Page 16 - 2007-08 Boys Basketball Program
P. 16

                                          IHSAA State Champions                                                                                 career  & Single Season Scoring  leaders

                                                     State Champions Continued From Page 12
           Year    Champion               Runner-Up           Score      Winnin~Coach   Record   Site
           1934-35   Anderson             Jeffersonville      23-17      A rchieC  dd   22-9   Butler Fieldhouse
           1935-36   Frankfort            Fort Wayne  C entral   50-24   Eve rett Case   29-1-1   B utler  Fieldhouse                  IHSAA All-Time Career Scoring Top 50  (Through 2007)   IHSAA All-Time Single Season Scoring Top 25  (Through 2007)
           1936-37   Anderson             Hunti¢Jrg           33-23      A rchie Chadd   26-7   Butler Fieldhouse
           1937-38   Fort Wayne South Side   Hanmn!           34-32      Burt Friddle   29-3   Butler Fieldhouse
           1938-39   Frankfort            Franklin            36-22      Everett Case   ~      Butler Fieldhouse                       Rk  Player       School             Last Yr.   Points   Rk  Player          Sdml  Sea.5a1   G   Avg   Hi   Pts.
           1939-40   H ammond Technical   Mitchell            33-21      LouB i!Xett   25-6    Butler Fieldhouse                                                                                                                   '312   ffi  1 ,079
           194041   Washington            Macison             39-33      Marion Crawley   27-5   Butler Fieldhouse                     1.   Damon Bailey   Bedford North Lawrence   1900   3,134   1.  Dave~      Camie!  1!m-70  29
           1941-42   Washington           Muncie Burris       24-1 8     Marion Crawley   3}1   B utler Fieldhouse                     2.   Marion Pierce   Lewisville     1961   3,019       2.  SteveAlford   New Castle   1~~ 29   '312   Of  1,078
           1942 -43   Fort Wayne Central   Lebanon            45-40      M urrak  M endenhall   27·1   New Coliseum                                                                                                      196SW  31   32.8   49  1,019
           1943-44   Evansville  Bosse    Kokomo              39-35      H errn  eller   19-7   New  Coliseum                          3.   Brody  Boyd   Union (Dugger)   200)   2,632       3.  George McGinnis  lrqls.  Wa<iltYjoo
           194445   Evansville  Bosse     South Bend R iley   4&36       H errn Keller   25-2   New Coliseum                                                                                  4.  Damon Bailey   Bedford N.  Lawrence   1~  31   31.3  42   'J12
           1945-46   Anderson             Fort W ayne C entral   67-53   C harles Cumm ings   22·7   B utler Fieldhouse                4.   Rick Mount   Lebanon           1966   2,595
           194&47   Shelbyville           T erre H aute Garfield   68-58   Frank Barnes   25-5   Butler Fieldhouse                     5.   Billy Shepherd   Carmel        1968   2,465         Marion Pierce    Lewisville   1~  Zl   ~.o  5'.3   'J12
           1 947-48   Lafayette Jefferson   Eva nsville Central   54-42   Marion Crawley   27-3   Butler Fieldhouse                                                                          6.   Delray Brooks   Midligan City Rogers   1fm84  29   33.4  40   970
           1948-49   Jasper               Madson              62-61      Leo O'Neill   2Hl     Butler Fieldhouse                       6.   Alan Henderson   Brebeuf Jesuit   1991   2,419                                                  gJj
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         196SW  26
           1949-50   Mad"ISOll            Lafayette Jefferson   67-44    Ray Eddy      27·1    Butler Fieldhouse                       7.   Mike Edwards   Greenfield      1969   2,343      7.  Bllly James     ~                 ~.1   ffi
           1950-51   M uncie  Central     Evansville Reitz    61}58      Art Beckner   26-4    Butler Fieldhouse                                                                              8.  Wocrly  /!J.Jfirt   Rdmnl  1007-00  28   332  47   ~
           1951·52   Muncie  Central      Indianapolis Arsenal Technical   68-49   Lawrence McCreary   25-5   Butler Fieldhouse        8.   Delray Brooks   Michigan City Rogers   1984   2,324
           1952-53   South Bend Central   Terre Haute Gerstmeyer   42-41   E lmer  McCall   25-5   Butler Fieldhouse                                                                          9.  Troy Lewis     ArderSl1   1fm84  26   35.3  &l   918
           1953-54   Mila n               Muncie Central      32-:Jl     M arvin Wood   28-2   Butler Fieldhouse                       9.   Brady Adkins   Morristown      1992   2,319       10. JamesBlackmon    Marion   1~~ 28   32. 6  52   914
           1954·55   Indianapolis  Crispus Attucks   Gary R oosevelt   97.74   R ay Crowe   31 ·1   B utler  Fieldhouse                10.  Anthony Winchester  Austin     ~  2,256
           1955-56   Indianapolis  Crispus Attucks   Lafayette Jefferson   79-5 7   R ay Crowe   31 -0   Butler  Fieldhouse                                                                   11.  Mike Edwards   GiarlB:j  196SW  25   ~.4  Of   910
           1956-57   South Bend Central   Indianapolis Crispus Attucks   67-55   E lmer McCall   :D-0   Butler Fieldhouse                                                                     12.  Brody Boyd   Urlo'l (Dl.ggeQ   1!m00  28   32.2   49   004
           1957-58   Fort Wayne South Side   Crawfordsville   63-34      Don Reichert   28-2   B utler  Fieldhouse                         Dave Shepherd   Carmel          1970   2,226
           1958-59   Indianapolis Crispus Attucks   Kokomo    92-54      B ill Garrett   26-5   B utler Fieldhouse                     11.                                                    13.  Damon Baiey   Bedford N. Lawrence   1007-00  28   31.1   51   872
           1959-00   East Ch icago Washington   Muncie Central   75-59   John Baratto   28-2   B utler  Fieldhouse                     12.  Seth Colclasure   Bellmont     ~  2,207           14. AntlmyWrdlester   Austi1   2))1-02  25   34.7  55   IHl
           1~1     Kokomo                 lndianaporis Manual   68-66 (01)   Joe P latt   28-1   Butler  Fieldhouse
           196Hi2   Evansville Bosse      East  ChicaJo Washington   84-81   Jim Myers   26-2   Butler Fieldhouse                      13.  Grayson Flittner   Tri-Central   2(Xll   2,198    15. PatGraham    Floyd Central  1!mffi  Zl   32.0  44   ffi4
           1962-63   Muncie  Central      South Ben  Central   65-61     Dwight T allman   28-1   Butler  Fie ldhouse                                   North Central (lndpls)   2f1J7   2,178
           1963-64   Lafayette  Jefferson   Huntington        58-55      M arion  Crawley   28-1   Butler  Fieldhouse                  14.  Eric Gordon                                       16. RickMount       l.S:Bm  1!ffiffi  26   33.1  Of   ffi1
           1964-65   Indianapolis Washington   Fort Wayne North S ide   64-57   Jerry Oliver   29-2   Butler Fieldhouse                15.  Chris Thomas   Pike            2f1J1   2,156      17. Jimmy Rayl      Kokomo  1958-ffi  29   29.3  49   !ffl
           1965-66   Michigan City E lston   Indianapolis Arsenal Technical   63-52   26-3     Hinkle Fieldhouse                                                                                                         1!R).ffi  Z1
           1966-67   Evansville North     Lafayette Jefferson   00-58    ~"=           27·2    Hinkle Fieldhouse                       16.  Charlie McKenzie   Claypool/Warsaw   1967   2,145   1  a Michael Lewis   Jasper        31.5  46   ffi2
           1 967-88   Gary Roosevelt      Indianapolis Shortridge   6&60   Louis Mallard   22·5   Hinkle Fieldhouse                    17.  Rich Mount   Lebanon           1989   2,139       19. PhilWllls    Grass Creek  1!fi6.57  2)  42.4   00   M3
           1968-69   lndianapofls Washington   Gary Tolleston   79-76    Bill Green    31-0    Hinkle Fieldhouse
           1969-70   E ast Chicago Roosevelt   Carmel         72-62      B ill Holsbach   2&-0   Hinkle Fieldhouse                     18.  Michael Lewis   Jasper         1996   2,138       ro. Kyle Macy         Peru   1974-75  24   35.7  51   847
           1 970-71   East Ch icago Washington   E lkhart     70-60      John  Molodet   29-0   Hinkle  Fieldhouse                                                                            21.  ScottSkiles   Plyroouth   1~-fil  29   29.1  f.6   846
           19 71-72   Conne rsville       Gary W est  Side    80-63      M yron D ickerson   2 7·2   IU Assembly Hall                      Kenny Rowan   North  view       1989   2,138
           1 972-73   New Albany          South Bend Adams    84-79      Kirby  Overman   21·7   IU Assembly Hall                      20.  Kyle  Macy   Peru              1975   2,137       22.  Kevin Ault     Warsaw   1!R).ffi  28   3l.1  47   8:14
           1973-74   Fort Wayne Northrop   Jeffersonville     59-56      Bob  Dille   28-1     IU Assembly Hall                                                                               23.  Jin4µ1         Kokomo   1961{'2  28   29. 9  5'.3   !rn
           1 974-75   Marion                                  58-46      B ill Green   28-1    Marf<et Square  Arena                   21.  Shawn Kemp   Concord           1988   2,134
           1 9 7 5-76   Marion            L=ee                82-76      B ill Green   23-5    Ma!Xet Square Arena                                                                            24. Rusty Miller   Central (Switz City)  1974-75  21   39.9  00   818
                                          Aus  ville
           197&n   Carmel                 East Chicago Washington   53-52   EricClark   22-7   Marl<et Square Arena                                                                           25.  KojakFoo      ArderSl1   1~  28   28.7  47   BE
           1 977·78   Muncie Central      Terre Haute South   65-64 (01)   B ill Harrell   27-3   MarXet Square Arena                  22.  Doug Linville   New  Salem     1965   2,120
           1 978-79   Muncie Central      Anderson            64-60      B ill H arrell   24-5   Marf<et Square  Arena
           1979-80   Indianapolis Broad  Ripple   New Albany   73-66     B ill Smith   29-2    Marf<et Square Arena                    23.  SteveAttord   New Castle       1983   2,116                      Trester Award Winners
          1980-81   Vincen nes Lincoln    Anderson            54-52      Orlando Wyman   26-2   Marf<et Square Arena                   24.  Shane Power   Andrean          200)   2,110
          198Hl2   P lymouth              Gary Roosevelt    75-74(201)   Ja ck E d ison   28-1   Ma!Xet Square Arena                                                                                           (Continued From  Page 13)
          1982-83   Connersville          Anderson            63-62      Basil Mawbey   26-2   Marf<et  Square  Arena                  25.  Dan Palombizio   Michigan City Rogers   1981   2,092
          1983-84   Warsaw                V incennes Lincoln   59-56     A l R hodes   26-2    Ma!Xet  Square  Arena
    Marion               Riclmond            74-67      B iU Green   29-0     MarXet Square Arena                     26.  Daryl Warren   Linden          1971   2,083        Year          Name             School
           198!Xl6   Marion               Anderson            75-56      Bill Green   26-3     MarXet Square Arena                     27.  Uoyd Bateman   Plainville      1958   2,078        1997-98   4A   Brad  McPherson   Marion
           1986-87   Marion               Richmond            69-56      B ill Green   29-1    Ma!Xet Square Arena                                                                                    3A     Zach  Fox        Indianapolis Cathedral
           1 987-88   Muncie Central      Conoord             7&53       Bill Harrell   28-1   Ma!Xet Square Arena                     28.  George McGinnis   Indianapolis Washington   1969   2,070
           1988-89   Lawrence North       Kokomo              7 4-57     Jack Keefer   25-4    Ma!Xet Square Arena                     29.  John Hamilton   Greenfield-Central   200)   2,064         2A     Rusty Garner     Alexandria
          1 989-90   Bedford North Lawrence   Conoord         63-60      D an Bush    29-2     Hoosier  Dome                                                                                          A      Grant McBride    Bloomfield
          1990-91   Gary Roosevelt        Brebeuf             5 1-32     Ro n  Heflin   :J}l   Hoosier  Dom e                          30.  Kojak Fuller   Anderson        1993   2,060        1998-99   4A   Tim Church      Elkhart Central
          1 991 -92   R ichmond           Lafayette Jefferson   77-73 (01)   Geor=ith   24-5   Hoosier  Dome
          1992-93   Jeffersonville        Ben Davis           00-61      Mike   ton   29-2     Hoosier Dome                                                                                           3A     Jeff Wiltrout    Plainfield
          1993-94   South Bend Clay       vatparaiso         93-88 (01)   TomDeBaets   27·2   Hoosier Dome                             31.  Caleb Springer   Logansport    1997   2,042               2A     Luke  Kimmel     Paoli
          1994-95   Ben Davis             Merrillville        58-57      SteveWrtty   32·1    RCADome                                                                                                 A      Jake  Holder     Tecumseh
          1995-96   Ben Davis             New Albany        57-54 (201)   Steve W itty   22-6   RCADome                                32.  A.J.  Graves   White River Valley   2004   2,041
          1~7      Bloomington North      Delta               75-54      Tom McKinney   28-1   RCADome                                                  Warsaw                    2,028        1999-00   4A   Jared  Jeffries   Bloomington  North
          1 997-98   4A  Pike             Marion              57·54      Alan Darner   28-1   RCA Dome                                 33.  Kevin Ault                     1996                       3A     Shane  Power     Andrean
                3A  Indianapolis Cathedral   Yorf<town        72-47      P e ter  Berg   22-4   R CA  Dome                                 Ron Bonham   Muncie Central     1960   2,028               2A     Scott Study      Winchester
                2A  Alexandria            Southwestern (Hanover)   57-43   G arth  Cone   2().6   R CA  Dome
                A  Lafayette Central Catholic   Bloomfield    56-48      Chad Dunwoody   24-3   RCADome                                35.  Steve Collier   Southwestern (Hanover)   1974   2,023     A      Clark  Golish    Union  (Dugger)
          199S-99   4A  North Central (I~.)   E ll<hart Central   79-74   DougMltchell   23-5   RCADome                                36.  Ricky  Hise   Kouts            2003   2,022        2000·01   4A   Chris Thomas    Pike
                3A  Plainfield            Muncie Southside    n-64       Dana Greene   26-1   RCADome                                                                                                 3A     Brian Bell       Muncie  Southside
                2A  WesMew                Paoli               7 1-52     Troy Nee~    23-3    RCADome                                  37.  Jeff Perlich   Churubusco      1988   2,019
                A  Tecumseh               Lafayette Central Catholic   5.5-43   Kevin Oxey   23-4   RCADome                                                                1997                       2A     Matt  Robbins    Batesville
          1999-00   4A  Marion            B loomington N orth   62-56    M oe Smedley   28-1   Conseco Fieldhouse                      38.  Luke Recker   DeKalb                  2,008               A      Andy  Brown      Blue River Valley
                3A  Brebeuf Jesuit        Andrean             72·56      Leo Klemm    2 4-2   Conseco Fieldhouse                       39.  Pat Manahan   Delphi           1973   2,003        2001-02   4A   Chris Hunter    Gary  West Side
                2A  Westview              Winchester          59.53      Troy  N eely   25-3   Cons eco Fieldhouse                                                                                                            Delta
                A  Lafayette Central Catholic   U nion (Dugger)   82-70   Cha d  Dunwoody   23-5   Conseco F ieldhouse                 40.  Steve Anspaugh   West Noble    1969   1,992               3A     Brian Wright
          2CXXHl1   4A  Pike              Penn                5642       Afan Darner   26-3   Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                                      2A     Mark Gonzales    Speedway
                3A  Muncie Southside      Evansville Mater Dei   81·78 (01)   Rick Baumgartner   23-3   Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                            A      Troy  Roberson   Rossville
                2A                        Batesville          73-70      Al Gooden    23-5    Conseco Fieldhouse                       41.   Woody Austin   Richmond       1988   1,990
                A   ~                    Blue River V alley   64-62      ~Shrader     21-6    Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                               2002-03   4A   Alex Kock       DeKalb
          2001 -02   4A  Gary West S ide   Pike               58-55      John Boyd    23-4    Conseco Fieldhouse                       42.  Kyle Cox    Blue River Valley   ~  1,987                  3A     Michael  Oury    Indianapolis Bishop Chatard
                3A  Delta                 Harang              65-54      P au l Keller   22-6   Conseco F ieldhouse                    43.  Buster Briley   Madison        1960   1,985               2A     Beau Bauer       Cass
                2A  Speedway              B lufflon           62-48      Trent Lehm an   22-4   Conseco Fieldhouse
                A  R ossville             Barr-Reeve          79-88      Jeff Henley   23-4   Conseco Fieldhouse                       44.  Steve Baugh   Jackson Twp. (Decatur  Co.)  1965   1,982   A      Derrick  Smith   Southwestern  (Shelbyville)
          2002-03   4A  P ike             DeKalb              65-52      Larry Bullington   29-0   Conseco Fieldhouse                  45.  Kyle Benge   Plymouth          2005   1,979        2003-04   4A   Stefan Routt    Lawrence  North
                3A  Indianapolis Bishop Chatard   Fort W~ne  E lmhurst   78-44   Dan Archer   22-2   Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                               3A     Jon  Zeser       Bellmont
                2A  Cass                  Forest  a!X         57-48      Basil Mawbey   26-0   Conseco Fieldhouse                      46.  Rusty Miller   Switz  City     1975   1,978               2A     Kyle Johnson     Jimtown
                A  Lafayette Central Catholic   Southwestern (Shelbyville)   68-64   Chad Dunwoody   18-9   Conseco F ieldhouse
          2003-04   4A  Lawrence North   Columbia City        50-29      Jack Keefer   29-2   Conseco F ieldhouse                      47.  Troy Lewis   Anderson          1984   1,966               A      Bryan Hurst      Waldron
                3A  Evansville Mater  Dei   Bellmont          6345       John Goebel   21-6   Conseco F ieldhouse                      48.  Keith Gailes   Michigan City Rogers   1987   1,964   2004·05   4A   Brandon McPherson   Lawrence  North
                2A  Jimtown              Brownstown Central   63-59      R andy DeShorte   25-2   Conseco F ieldhouse                                                                                 3A     Luke  Zeller     Washington
                A  W aldron               F ort Wa'lf'ee  Blackhawk Christian   69-54   Jason Delaney   27-0   Conseco F ieldhouse     49.  Kirk Manns   North Judson      1986   1,962
          2004-05   4A  Lawrence North   M u ncie  ntral      63-52      Jack  Keefer   24-2   Conseco Fieldhouse                                                          1973   1,960               A      Jason Holsinger   Lapel
                3A  Washtfaon             Plymouth          74-72(01)    DaveOrrter   27·2    Conseco Fieldhouse                       50.  Danny Brown   Jennings County                      2005-06   4A   Greg Oden       Lawrence  North
                2A  Forest  a!X          HarOOg               68-63      Tom Beach    23-4    Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                                      3A     Tyler  Rigby     Jay County
                A  Lapel                 Loogootee            51-40      Jimmie Howell   25-3   Conseco Fieldhouse
          2005-06   4A  Lawrence North   Muncie  Central      00-56      Ja ck  Keefer   29-0   Co nseco F ieldhouse                                                                                  2A     Tim James        Forest Park
                3A  New Castle           Jay  County          51-43      Steve Bennett   21-6   Conseco F ieldhouse                                                                                   A      Jordan  Perkins   Hauser
                2A  ForestPa!X           Harang               61·55      T om Beach   25-3    Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                               2006-07   4A   E'Twaun Moore   East Chicago Central
                A  Hauser                Tri-Central          64-36      Bob N obbe   25-2    Conseco F ieldhouse
          2CXM7   4A  E ast Chicago Central   North Central (lndpls.)   87-83   P ete T  fsvich   23-3   Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                           3A     Jason  Renz      Plymouth
                3A  Plymouth             Evansville Bosse     72-61      Jack E ison   25-2   Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                                      2A     Thad  Laudenbacher   Winchester
                2A  Northwestern         Winchester         78-74(201)   Jim  Gish    25-2    Conseco Fieldhouse                                                                                      A      Adam Pflugshaupt   .  Oregon-Davis
                A  Oregoo-Davis          Barr·P.eeve          63-52      Travis Hannah   27-1   Conseco Fieldhouse
       14                                       IHSAA-Putc Spifil  Pote Span!                                                                                                 IHSAA-Pute Spitil  Pote Span!                                    15
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21