Page 38 - 2007-08 Boys Basketball Program
P. 38

                                          IHSAA VidlJO library

                                                   Relive the great memories that your hometown heroes provided in their quest for a
                                                   championship at the IHSAA State Finals. Whether your team won the big trophy or not,
                                                    you'll want  to mark the occasion with a  DVD from the IHSAA that you and your family can
                                                    cherish for  years to come!

                                                    Perfect Gifts
                                                     They m ake great gifts for  someone spe·
                                                     cial or maybe you'd just like to see that   The IHSAA Video
                                                     championship game you haven't seen  in   Library  is  a treasure
                                                     years.  The  IHSAA Video  Library is  a
                                                     treasure chest of Indiana high school   chest of  Indiana
                                                      sports  history that includes not  only  this   high  school  sports
                                                      year's games,  but many of the great   history that  includes
                                                      state finals competitions from  years gone
                                                      by.                            not only this year's
                                                                                     games, but many of
                                                       About The Collection
                                                       The collection includes championship   the great state finals
                                                       videos  in football,  soccer and volley·   competitions from
                                                        ball in the fall; basketball and wres·   years gone by.
                                                        !ling  in the winter;  and baseball,  soft·
                                                        ball and track in the spring. The  boys
                                 basketball series includes m ost state finals games dating  back  to  1 947,  while the girls  basketball tapes go back  to 1976
         - the first year of  the tournament. The collection for the other seven sports goes back  many years as well-so  whether you actually competed, have
         a  son or daughter  who did or are just a  fan,  we may have the DVD you're looking for.


                            Publications - State Championship Videos - Merchandise

                      Boys'  Basketball  Championship  Games

                                   available on  DVD and VHS

            The IHSAA has launched a  new e-commerce store which will provide  a  convenient method  to purchase IHSAA publications, DVD videos,
            and selected merchandise on line!  The  new, easy-to-use on line store will help to increase customer satisfaction by streamlining the  ordering

            Placing an order through has many advantages over traditional ordering.  Orders can be placed faster  and safer as the
            website incorporates industry-standard,  128-bit encryption security features  for all credit card  transactions, allowing you to place your
            order  with confidence. Custom ers also receive instant order  confirmations!

            The online store gives customers the ability to  place orders 24/7 and  track their orders, review their order history, reorder products,
            and  find pricing and  product information.

                Visit and click on IHSAA Store or
                the e-commerce icon to place your order today!

       36                                       IHSAA-Pure Spiril  Pure Sport!
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