Page 4 - 2008-09 Girls Swimming & Diiving State Finals Program
P. 4
Welcome to this Special Thanks To Our Hosts
championship event
For more than 100 years, the IHSAA has enjoyed
being a part of the journey to adulthood for thousands
of young Hoosiers. Knowing that the student-athletes
we meet today will be the leaders of tomorrow, we are
grateful for the opportunity to help them as they learn
valuable life lessons through athletics. Indiana University - Purdue University
Currently in Indiana, over 160,000 students from 410
different IHSAA member schools participate in high Friday (Times are approximate)
school athletics. From our perspective, participation in 5:45 p.m. Opening Ceremonies
athletics is an integral part of the educational process. 6:00 p.m. 200 Yd. Medley Relay
At the IHSAA we believe 6:16 p.m. 200 Yd. Freestyle
200 Yd. Individual Medley
6:32 p.m.
that the athletic arena is an 6:50 p.m. 50 Yd. Freestyle
extension of the classroom. 7:14 p.m. 15-MINUTE BREAK
100 Yd. Butterfly
The national organization 7:26 p.m. 100 Yd. Freestyle
for high school athletics, the 7:38 p.m. 500 Yd. Freestyle
8:08 p.m.
200 Yd. Freestyle Relay
National Federation of State 8:23 p.m. 100 Yd. Backstroke
High School Associations 8:35 p.m. 100 Yd. Breaststroke
(NFHS) has used the slogan, 8:48 p.m. 400 Yd. Freestyle Relay
“Athletics, the other half of Saturday (Times are approximate)
education.” We believe that 9:00 a.m. Diving Preliminaries (5 dives) &
Semi-Finals (3 dives)
is a very accurate adage. 12:45 p.m. Opening Ceremonies
There are many things to be 1:05 p.m. Finals and Consolation Finals
learned through athletics that may not be a part of the State Finals Personnel
regular classroom setting including lessons such as,
self-discipline, the value of teamwork, the importance Tournament Administrator and Meet Director
of dedication and commitment. Each of these can Sandy Searcy, IHSAA Assistant Commissioner
have a dramatic impact on today’s youth as they Starter Jim Theobald
prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow. Whether Assistant Starter Bryan Downing
it’s their ability to deal with success or overcome great Diving Referee John Sorg
Stroke & Turn Judges Nancy Gulliver, Kurt Hass
adversity, the important lessons learned will last a Diving Judges
lifetime. Each experience helps shape who one is and Robert Dennis, Gloria Dombowski, Doug Gard, Todd
who they will become. Maiden, John Bonsett, Barbara Chambers, David
For an organization such as ours, integrity is of primary Announcers Jim Simons, Pam Schum
importance. An uncompromising adherence to the Clerk of the Course Rod Sutherlin
principles of fair play and impartiality form the core of Athletic Training Staff
our value system. Methodist Sports Medicine - The Orthopedic Specialists
We hope you are looking forward to the 2008-09 Program Credits
school year with the same anticipation and enthusiasm Publisher Blake Ress, Commissioner
as the IHSAA staff and Board of Directors. Editor Chris Kaufman, Communications Director
Editorial Assistance Kristy Catt, Sports Admin. Intern
Pure, wholesome, amateur, educational, inexpensive, Printing Sport Graphics, Indianapolis
local high school athletics has always been the objec- Photography Visual Sports Network
tive. It is what we mean when we say…Pure Spirit. Cover Design three-sixty group, Indianapolis
Pure Sport! IHSAA
P.O. Box 40650
Cordially, Indianapolis, IN 46240-0650
(317) 846-6601
Blake Ress
IHSAA Commissioner
2 IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport!
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