Page 20 - 2009-10 Girls Soccer State Finals Program
P. 20
Last Year’s State Finals in Review
In dramatic fashion, Evansville Memorial defended
their state title by defeating Zionsville 3-2 (5-4 PK) Satur-
day evening at Kuntz Stadium in Indianapolis. Memorial
had a historic day, becoming the first school to win both
the boys and girls soccer championships in the same year.
The Tigers (23-0-2) were on the scoreboard first in the
32nd minute thanks to an unassisted goal by sophomore
forward Max Lachowecki, his 27th of the season. The Ti-
gers’ next goal came just after the half when junior forward
Jeff Stapleton hit a volley off of junior Tyler Vieth’s corner
kick to make the score 2-0 in the 42nd minute.
Then the Eagles ignited, scoring quickly after the
Memorial goal to make the score 2-1. The goal came
courtesy of junior midfielder Dylan Mares, who buried a
shot in the upper 90 from just outside the 18. Zionsville
picked up the attack, outshooting Memorial 10-3 in the Sanchez-Felix’s attempt sailed high, just over the goal. Recognize your outstanding student-athletes.
second half. With under ten minutes remaining, junior Coach Bill Vieth’s Tigers advanced to the final match
midfielder A.J. Corrado connected with junior striker Har- with a 1-0 shutout of Homestead (21-1-2) in the semifinal Indiana high school coaches and school administrators
rison Petts to even the score at 2-2. It was Petts’ 40th goal match. The Tigers finished the season ranked No. 1 in the
of the season. ISCA (Indiana Soccer Coaches Association) and fifth in the are invited to nominate senior basketball players who
After a 2-2 tie in regulation and a scoreless overtime NSCA (National Soccer Coaches Association) poll. Coach set the standard for academic excellence, character,
period, the 15th annual soccer title was determined in a Mike Smith’s Eagles advanced to the final match with a sportsmanship and community service for recognition
sudden death shootout. Still tied after the first round of the 2-0 victory over Mishawaka Marian (15-7) in the semifinal through the Larry Bird Character Award program.
shootout, Memorial’s Jeff Stapleton and Zionsville’s Sam round. Zionsville finished the season with a 20-4-1 record
Fuller both converted on their attempts. The final outcome and the No. 5 spot in the final ISCA rankings. Beginning the week of Nov. 23, the Pacers and will recognize one female
was determined when Memorial senior Travis Latta’s shot Evansville Memorial’s Trev Wilgus received the IHSAA and one male nominee each week in The Indianapolis Star and on
found the right side of the net and Zionsville senior Alex Mental Attitude Award following Saturday’s finale.
The top five female and male finalists from among all nominees will receive four
tickets to the April 10 Indiana Pacers home game and be recognized during a special
David Spradlin to be honored as State’s Top Official on-court presentation. The overall winners – one female and one male – will receive a
Larry Bird Character Award trophy and $1,000 scholarship from Dick’s Sporting Goods.
David Spradlin of Burnettsville is the recipient of the During his career, David has worked 13 sectionals, 13 Nominations must be submitted on the official form, either electronically or hard copy,
2009 Interscholastic Athletic Official Association Award regionals, six semi-states, and six state finals. David is
for excellence in the also a licensed official in two other sports, basketball and by a high school coach or school administrator. Forms are available at
sport of soccer. Da- softball. As a veteran official, he serves as a mentor to LarryBirdAward.
vid will be honored in new officials. Nominations are being accepted from Nov. 2, 2009, through March 2, 2010.
a special ceremony David was selected for this honor by a committee
at today’s state final representing the official’s associations. In Indiana there
tournament. are 26 associations made up of men and women who
Each year, the give up much of their personal time to assist in providing Presented by
Indiana High School wholesome, worthwhile, and healthy activities for the
Athletic Association, student athletes in our state. Statewide, there are more
in cooperation with than 8,000 officials licensed by the IHSAA in 11 sports.
the National Federa- David is a 1974 graduate of Logansport High School.
tion of Interscholastic He is a warehouseman for Tierney Industrial in Logan-
Officials Association, sport, Indiana. He has been married to his wife, Pam,
recognizes and honors an outstanding official in each of for 3 years. From his first marriage, David has three
11 sports during the school year. children: Damon, Tony, and Christine. One of David’s
An active member of the North Central Officials greatest moments was officiating the 2008 championship
Association, David has officiated soccer for 16 years. girls’ soccer match with Christine.
A complete set of rules can be obtained
18 IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport. Pure INDIANA! by logging on to
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