Page 19 - 2011-12 Baseball State Finals Program
P. 19

Outstanding Official

              Mike DeBoy Honored as Top Baseball Official

                             School Athletic Association, in coop-  much of their personal time to assist
                             eration with the National Federation of   in providing wholesome, worthwhile,
                             Interscholastic Officials Association,   and healthy activities for the student-
                             recognizes and honors an outstanding   athletes in our state.  Statewide, there
                             official in each of 11 sports during the   are more than 8,000 officials licensed
                             school year.             by the IHSAA in 11 sports.
                                Deboy’s career as a baseball of-     A member of the Western Indiana
                             ficial spans 31 years.  He has worked   Officials Association, DeBoy has
                             every level of the state tournament,   served as an IHSAA clinician, rules
                             including 18 sectionals, 15 regionals,   interpreter, and local association clini-
                             12 semi-states and four state finals.    cian since 1993. DeBoy also served
                             He last officiated the baseball state   as the Baseball Sportschair for his
                             finals in 2005. DeBoy is also licensed   association for 15 years.
        Mike DeBoy of Lafayette is the   to officiate football and basketball.      In the community, DeBoy helps
     recipient of the 2012 Interscholastic   In 2007, he worked the football state   train youth league umpires and
     Athletic Official Association Award for   finals.            coaches youth league teams.
     excellence in the sport of Baseball.          DeBoy was selected for this honor      DeBoy has been married to his
     DeBoy will be honored in a special   by a committee representing the   wife Kathy, for 20 years. The couple
     ceremony at this weekend’s state   Indiana officials associations.  In Indi-  has five children, Kati (18), Ryan (15),
     finals.                 ana there are 26 associations made   Nicholis (9), Caroline (6) and Jimmy
        Each year, the Indiana High   up of men and women who give up   (deceased, 9).

            Official photographers of the IHSAA and Indianapolis Colts!
            To order photographs from IHSAA State Finals events go to:


                                IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!          19
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