Page 20 - 2011-12 Boys Basketball State Finals Program
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Last Year’s State Finals in Review
When his team needed him refused to wilt and its fourth-quarter
most, Darwin Davis Jr. took control rally set the stage for Davis’ heroics.
and steered the Bloomington South Desmond Marks led Bloomington
Panthers to a 56-42 victory over South with 14 points and eight
Kokomo in the Class 4A state final. rebounds. Davis totaled seven
In a fiercely contested game, rebounds and seven assists to go with
Bloomington South saw a 10-point his 13 points. Ben Stowell scored 11
lead shrink to five in the final 3 and Turner 10.
minutes. That’s when Davis, held nine Kokomo, ranked 10th by the
points under his season average of Associated Press, came up short
nearly 22, smartly passed to Joey in its bid for its second boys state
Forney II for an easy bucket and championship -- and first since 1961.
three-point play underneath. Then, Coach Brian McCauley’s Wildkats won
after a pair of Kokomo free throws, their state-leading 71st sectional title
Davis drove for a field goal of his and also defeated No. 1-ranked and
own. He completed his personal previously unbeaten Munster in the
surge with a big defensive rebound, semi-state in advancing to Conseco
and Spencer Turner’s two free throws Fieldhouse. The Wildkats finished
then sent the Panthers up by 10 23-3.
again. Armon Bridgeforth led Kokomo
Bloomington South won its scoring with 13 points and Cheyse
second Class 4A title in three Swain had 12. Hutson Clark grabbed
seasons and third overall. The Frenetic defensive play marked eight rebounds.
Panthers, ranked fourth by the the first half, and both teams shot Following the game, members of the
Associated Press, won their final below 30 percent from the field. IHSAA Executive Committee named
12 games to finish 26-2. Coach J.R In the third quarter, Bloomington Spencer Turner of Bloomington High
Holmes is 655-290 in 41 years as South stretched a four-point lead School South as the winner of the
a head coach, fourth most among to a 39-29 advantage as the game Arthur L. Trester Mental Attitude
active coaches. turned offensive-minded. But Kokomo Award in Class 4A Boys Basketball.
Washington continued its in Indiana history with three or more
dominance in Class 3A, defeating championships. The Hatchets,
Culver Academies 61-46 to collect ranked No. 1 by the Associated Press,
its second consecutive state finished 24-4.
championship and fourth since 2005. Washington used an 18-2 run to
Nine seconds into the game, Cody open a 13-point lead late in the second
Zeller provided a glimpse of things quarter. The Hatchets shot 73 percent
to come when he drove the baseline (8-of-11) to Culver’s 27 percent
for a three-point play. Zeller, playing (3-of-11) in the quarter. Washington’s
on his third state championship team shooting cooled in the second half, but
with the Hatchets, went on to record the Hatchets extended their lead to 16
20 points and 18 rebounds. Zeller’s points in the fourth quarter by relying
older brothers, Luke (2005) and Tyler on their 38-21 rebounding edge in the
(2008), also led Washington to state game.
titles. Dylan Ervin totaled 18 points and
The list of milestones for six rebounds for Washington, and
Washington didn’t end there. It was Anthony Curtis had 10 points and four
the Hatchets’ seventh overall state assists. added 10 points. The Eagles finished
championship, tying them with Marion Coach Mark Galloway’s unranked 19-7.
for second on the all-time list. Muncie Culver team was playing in its first Following the game, members
Central owns the state record of eight state championship game after of the IHSAA Executive Committee
titles. winning the school’s first sectional named Cody Zeller of Washington
Also, coach Gene Miiller, who three weeks ago. Jermaine Myers High School as the winner of the
has led Washington to its last three led the Eagles with 17 points. Juwan Arthur L. Trester Mental Attitude
state titles, became the ninth coach Brescacin scored 12, and Chier Ajou Award in Class 3A Boys Basketball.
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