Page 19 - 2013-14 Baseball State Finals Program
P. 19

Outstanding Official

             Michael Zehr Honored as Top Baseball Official

                                Each year, the Indiana High   Assocation.
                             School Athletic Association, in      In addition to officiating and
                             cooperation with the National Fed-  serving as a rules interpreter,
                             eration of Interscholastic Officials   Michael has been active with the
                             Association, recognizes and honors   SWIOA Hospitality Awards/Scholar-
                             an outstanding official in each of 11   ship program. The program works
                             sports during the school year.  to provide scholarships of $500 to
                                Michael was selected for this   students who exemplify sportsman-
                             honor by a committee representing   ship.
                             the Indiana officials associations.      Michael is a 1972 graduate
                             He has officiated 19 sectionals, 17   of Northeast Dubois High School,
                             regionals, five semi-states, and 3   and is retired from his career with
                             state finals during his 20 years as   Indiana Farm Bureau. He and his
                             a licensed baseball official. He last   wife Marian have been married for
        Michael Zehr of Dubois is the   officiated the baseball state finals   37 years and have two children,
     recipient of the 2014 Interscholastic   in 2011. Michael is also licensed to   Alex (32) and Audra (30).
     Athletic Official Association Award   officiate Volleyball and Basketball.
     for excellence in the sport of Base-  Combining the three sports, he has
     ball.  Michael will be honored in a   worked a total of 10 state cham-
     special ceremony at this weekend’s   pionship events. He is a member
     state finals.           of the Southwest Indiana Officials

                                IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!          19
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