Page 19 - 2015-16 Baseball State Finals Program
P. 19
Outstanding Official
Mark Maxwell Honored as Top Baseball Official
state finals. officiated in both the 2009 Soft-
Each year, the Indiana High ball State Finals and 2009 and
School Athletic Association, in 2013 Football State Finals. Mark
cooperation with the National is a member of the Western
Federation of Interscholastic Officials Assocation.
Officials Association, recognizes Taking an active role in the
and honors an outstanding of- WIOA, Mark has served as
ficial in each of 11 sports during the Association’s President,
the school year. Vice President, and Executive
Mark was selected for this Secretary. In addition to his
honor by a committee repre- service with his own officials
senting the Indiana officials association, he has also given
associations. He has officiated his time as a mentor to young
12 sectionals, nine regionals, officials in the Crawfordsville
Mark Maxwell of Crawfords- six semi-states, and three state Youth Baseball league.
ville is the recipient of the 2016 finals during his 15 years as a Mark is a 1969 graduate of
Interscholastic Athletic Official licensed baseball official. He Darlington High School, and
Association Award for excel- last officiated the baseball state studied History and Physical
lence in the sport of Baseball. finals in 2012. Trent is also Education at Indiana State
Mark will be honored in a spe- licensed to officiate Football, University.
cial ceremony at this weekend’s Basketball, and Softball, having
IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport! 19