Page 4 - 2015-16 Boys Cross Country State Finals Program
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Welcome to this
Championship Event
Since 1903, the Indiana High School Athletic Asso-
ciation has promoted the values of education based
athletics and was the primary reason for its formation
over 100 years ago.
It has been an honor Special Thanks To Our Host
for our Association to Terre Haute North Vigo High School
partner with member 3434 Maple Ave. • Terre Haute, IN 47804
schools in the promo- Stacy Mason, Principal
tion of these ideals. 812-462-4312 •
The importance of this
mission is more critical State Finals Personnel
today than ever in our Tournament Administrator
history. Phil Gardner, Assistant Commissioner
Currently in our state,
over 160,000 students Assistant Tournament Administrator
from 410 different Ashley Ernstberger, Administrative Assistant
IHSAA member
schools choose to par- Tournament Director
ticipate in interscholastic athletics. These fortunate Kris Painter, Terre Haute North A.D.
students absorb a variety of life lessons as they Assistant Tournament Director
develop from adolescents to mature young adults. Steve Thompson, Terre Haute North Assistant A.D.
The opportunity to learn self-discipline, teamwork, Brady Scott, Terre Haute North Assistant A.D.
sacrifice, loyalty and commitment are attributes that
have come to be known as “the other half of educa- Starter
tion.” The mastery of these characteristics retains Mike Padfield
dramatic impact as these young people assume
leadership roles in our society. Assistant Starters
Daniel Cummins, John Yantiss
A former high school principal once shared with each Athletic Training Staff
of his incoming freshman classes that “you will only Methodist Sports Medicine Center -
take away from high school what you leave behind.” The Orthopedic Specialists
The students that perform before you today are
leaving their absolute best behind for generations of Program Credits
admirers to recall.
Publisher: Bobby Cox, Commissioner
On behalf of the IHSAA Staff and Board of Direc- Editor: Rob Kimes, Communications Assistant
tors, we welcome you to today’s events. Education
based athletics which are pure, wholesome, and in- Editorial Assistance:
expensive reflecting local flavor and enthusiasm has Evan Wilks, Sports Administration Intern
always been the objective. It is what we mean when Printing: Sport Graphics, Indianapolis
we say….. Pure Spirit, Pure Sport, Pure Indiana!
Photography: Bill McAdow, Champions Illustrated
Cordially, Cover Design: three-sixty group, Indianapolis
P.O. Box 40650
Bobby Cox Indianapolis, IN 46240-0650
IHSAA Commissioner
For state tournament results and latest Indiana high
school sports information, visit the IHSAA website at
IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport. Pure INDIANA!