Page 22 - 2017-18 Girls Basketball State Finals Program
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Outstanding Official
Mark Hopper Named States Top Official
Indiana recognizes 24 separate officials associa- basketball, Mark Hopper has officiated 19 sectionals,
tions across the state. Each year these 24 associa- 13 Regionals, 6 Semi-States, and 5 State Finals; to
tions nominate multiple include last years’ 3A Championship Game here at
individuals for the Out- Bankers Life Fieldhouse.
standing Official Award
presented in each sport. In addition to Mark’s work as a basketball official,
While we have many he is also a state level football and baseball official;
deserving nominations, working on behalf of our student athletes for the past
only ONE is selected 17 and 15 years respectively.
by his or her officiating
peers. Off the court, Mark serves as an IHSAA Clinician
and leader within our officiating ranks. He continues
An active member to be instrumental in the recruitment, mentoring and
and Past President training of Officials in Indiana. His level of commitment
of the Wabash Valley to his craft has proven to benefit countless officials, not
Officials’ Association, Mark has held a basketball offici- just within his own Association, but across the entire
ating license for the past 22 years. In the sport of girls’ State of Indiana.
22 IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport. Pure INDIANA!