Page 22 - 2019-20 Girls Basketball State Finals Program
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Outstanding Official
Steve Corya of Scipio Named Top Official
Indiana recognizes 24 separate officials associations Corya has officiated 33 sectionals, 26 Regionals, eight (8)
across the state. Each year these 24 associations nomi- Semi-States, and two (2) State Finals.
nate multiple individuals
for the Outstanding In addition to Steve’s work as a basketball official, he is also
Official Award presented a licensed baseball and softball official.
in each sport. While we
have many deserving A resident of Scipio, Indiana in the southeastern part of the
nominations, only one state, Corya serves as a Board Member of the Mid-Hoosier
is selected by his or her Officials Association, officiates the Special Olympics, and
officiating peers. has worked various officiating camps on training officials.
He continues to be instrumental in the recruitment, mentor-
IHSAA Clinician and ing and training of officials in Indiana.
Basketball Chairman
for the Mid-Hoosier Steve is a Surveyor Supervisor for the Indiana State
Officals Association, Department of Health. He earned a bachelor’s degree in
Steve Corya, is this Physical Education and Health from Franklin College in
year’s recipient. Corya has held a basketball officiating 1981 and graduated from Jennings County High School in
license for the past 39 years. In the sport of girls’ basketball, 1977.
22 IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport. Pure INDIANA!