Page 5 - 2020-21 Girls Swimming State Finals Program
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Welcome to this Special Thanks To Our Host 2020-21 IHSAA Board of Directors and
State Championship Event Executive Committee
Every state championship season brings its own
unique set of conditions and circumstances with it, The IHSAA is governed by its legislative body, the Board of Directors. Composed of 19 individuals elected by member
but no year in the IHSAA’s 117-year history has been school principals from three legislative districts, they serve staggered three-year terms. Twelve board seats are filled by
more challenging than this one. any qualified individual (open seats), and seven board seats are filled by two qualified female representatives, two qualified
minority representatives, two qualified urban school representatives and one private school representative. The Board of
The teams who are competing today have demon- Directors meets annually with the responsibility of establishing the Association’s By-Laws and regulations.
strated a level of excellence and
responsibility that goes far beyond the norm. Not Indiana University - Purdue University The Executive Committee meets monthly and is responsible for organizing and directing state tournaments and meets,
only have they competed at a level worthy of making Indianapolis interpreting the Association’s By-Laws, determining penalties for rules violations, and establishing the Association’s state
it to the IHSAA state finals, they have exercised office and employing a commissioner and staff to administer the Association.
the good judgment and self-restraint necessary to
remain healthy. Director
Ed Merkling IHSAA Board of Directors IHSAA Executive Committee
This is high school sports at its best. There is no Carroll Stadium Facility Manager/Tech.Support Technician District, Seat Board Member Term Ends Chris Conley, Delta (Chairman)
District I, Class A
June 2023
Tom Finicle, Southwood
greater lesson to be learned from participating in the Dave Thibodeau District I, Class AA John Steinhilber, Hebron HS June 2021 John Steinhilber, Hebron (Vice-Chairman)
IHSAA’s 22 sanctioned sports than the importance Learn to Swim Coordinator District I, Class AAA Nathan Dean, Jimtown HS June 2023 Stacy Adams, Valparaiso
of putting the goals and Renice Dobbs District I, Class AAAA Ed Gilliland, LaPorte HS June 2021 Jim Brown, Fishers
objectives of the team Business Manager District II, Class A Martin Brown, North Vermillion HS June 2021 Martin Brown, North Vermillion
ahead of your own. And Tammy Shields District II, Class AA Matt Martin, Knightstown HS June 2023 Victor Bush, MSD Lawrence Township
the student athletes com- District II, Class AAA Chris Conley, Delta HS June 2021 Nathan Dean, Jimtown
Jim Brown, Fishers HS
District II, Class AAAA
June 2023
peting here today have State Finals Personnel Jeff Doyle, Barr-Reeve
done exactly that. Tournament Administrator District III, Class A Jeff Doyle, Barr-Reeve HS June 2023 Brent Duncan, Connersville
Kerrie Schludecker, IHSAA Assistant Commissioner District III, Class AA Tim Grove, South Knox School Corp. June 2021 Rae Ferriell-Woolpy, Richmond
Mike Whitten, Boonville HS
District III, Class AAA
June 2023
Not only do we con- Assistant Tournament Administrator District III, Class AAAA Brent Duncan, Connersville HS June 2021 Tom Finicle, Southwood
gratulate them, we also Chad Gilbert, Charlestown
acknowledge—with great Kayley Howell, IHSAA Administrative Assistant North District, Female Patti McCormack, Lowell HS June 2022 Ed Gilliland, LaPorte
admiration and respect— Tournament Director Arlene McDonald North District, Minority Stacy Adams, Valparaiso HS** June 2022 Tim Grove, South Knox School Corporation
Brian Strong, Logansport HS
June 2022
North District, Urban
Starter Gloria Dombkowski
the extra effort that every Matt Martin, Knightstown
school administrator and Assistant Starter Barbara Chambers South District, Female Rae Ferriell-Woolpy, Richmond HS June 2022 Patti McCormack, Lowell
coach in Indiana made Diving Referee Douglas Gard South District, Minority Victor Bush, MSD Lawrence Township June 2022 Brian Strong, Logansport
South District, Urban
June 2022
Chad Gilbert, Charlestown HS*
to field a team this year. It has not been business as Stroke & Turn Judges Kurt Hass, Sally Cripe Mike Whitten, Boonville
usual. The additional planning, special monitoring Diving Judges Joseph Brozinick, Roger Dombkowski Private School Rep. Dave Worland, Indianapolis Cathedral HS June 2022 Dave Worland, Indianapolis Cathedral
and extra precautions that have been required have Sr., John Bonsett, Todd Maiden, Jim Simons, Robert * President ** Vice-President
been extraordinary. As a result of this commit- Corkwell
ment, thousands of student-athletes throughout our Announcer Mike Miles
state have been able to experience an afterschool, Diving Announcer Ralph Mundt
education-based experience they will cherish for the Athletic Training Staff & COVID Safety Officer
rest of their lives. Methodist Sports Medicine - The Orthopedic Specialists
We also extend a special thank you to Governor
Holcomb, the Indiana State Department of Health Program Credits
and the Department of Education for their continued Publisher Paul Neidig, Commissioner
guidance and support. Editor Brandon Baxter, Communications Assistant
Printing Sport Graphics, Indianapolis The IHSAA has launched a new e-Commerce store which will provide a convenient method to purchase IHSAA
As you can see, lots of dedicated Hoosiers have Photography Double Edge Media publications, DVD videos, and selected merchandise online! The new, easy-to-use online store will help to increase
worked together to make this day possible. Enjoy it! Cover Design 360 group, Indianapolis customer satisfaction by streamlining the ordering process.
And as you do, remember, this is your IHSAA, too.
Without Timers Placing an order through has many advantages over traditional ordering. Orders can be placed faster
your ongoing support, high school sports in Indiana and safer as the website incorporates industry-standard, 128-bit encryption security features for all credit card transac-
would not be possible. Walter Bennett tions, allowing you to place your order with confidence. Customers also receive instant order confirmations!
Roger Dombkowski
IHSAA The online store gives customers the ability to place orders 24/7 and track their orders, review their order history,
9150 N Meridian St. reorder products, and find pricing and product information.
Indianapolis, IN 46240-0650 Visit and click on the IHSAA e-Store
Paul Neidig icon to place your order today!
IHSAA Commissioner
4 IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport! IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport! 5