Page 22 - 2021-22 Wrestling State Finals Program
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Ward E. Brown Mental Attitude Award                                                Outstanding Official Award

                     At the conclusion of the state finals, the IHSAA Executive Committee presents the Ward E. Brown   Josh Medvescek Honored as Top Wrestling Official
                  Mental Attitude Award to an outstanding senior participant in the Wrestling State Tournament.     Josh Medvescek is the recipient of the 2021      He is a member of the Indiana Officials
                     The recipient of this award, who is nominated by his principal and coach, must excel in mental attitude,   Interscholastic Athletic Official Award for excellence   Association and has worked as a IHSAA
                  scholarship, leadership and athletic ability in wrestling.         in the sport of wrestling.          Certification Clinician and Rules interpreter for the
                     Beginning in 1985, the award was named in honor of Mr. Brown, who served as the fourth commis-     Each year, the Indiana High School Athletic   sport of Wrestling for the past few years. He also
                  sioner of the IHSAA from 1976 until 1983.                                        Association, in cooperation   works as a Wrestling assigner for Zionsville
                     Previously, from 1966-71, the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Association presented the   with the National Federation   Community Schools and is a coach for Zionsville
                  Harold F. Mumby Award to the state meet’s outstanding wrestler, in honor of the longtime Bloomington   of Interscholastic Officials   High School’s baseball team.
                  High School coach. From 1972 to 1984, the IHSAA Executive Committee sponsored the Harold F. Mumby   Association, recognizes and      Josh spends countless hours volunteering in
      Ward E. Brown  Award for Mental Attitude.                                                    honors an outstanding official   his community, assisting with youth baseball,
      IHSAA Commissioner     Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, IHSAA corporate partner, presents a $1,000 scholarship to the school’s   in each sport during the   football, and wrestling in Zionsville and
         1976-83                                                                                                         Indianapolis. He also takes time to mentor new
                  general scholarship fund in the name of the recipient.                           school year. Officials selected
                                                                                                   for this distinction have gone   IHSAA officials.
                                                                                                                            He currently resides in Zionsville with his wife,
    Year    Name           School                                                                  above and beyond to serve     Nichole, and their four kids. He was a graduate of
                                                                                                   their association, community,
    1963-64   Rex Ryker    Crawfordsville                                                                                Pike High School and attended Ball State
    1964-65   John (Randy) Goss   South Bend Clay                                                  and the IHSAA. Each have
    1965-66   Larry Smith   Carmel                                                                 shown exceptional qualities   University and the University of Indianapolis. He
    1966-67   Mickey Janes   Anderson                                                              of leadership, dedication, and   works as a Rehab Director at Life Care Center of
    1967-68   Dale Barnard   Franklin Central                                        loyalty to their sport, our student-athletes, and their   America.
    1968-69   Warren Gamble   Gary Mann
            John Smith     Franklin Central                                          fellow officials.                      Josh was selected for this honor by a
    1969-70   Henry Clouse   Franklin Central                                           Josh has been a licensed Wrestling official for   committee representing the officials associations.
    1970-71   Jim Cornwell   Bloomington                                             21 years and has officiated 20 Sectionals, 14    In Indiana there are 24 associations made up of
    1971-72   John Hobbs   Indpls. Shortridge                                                                            men and women who assist in providing
    1972-73   Norman Hudson   Manchester                                             Regionals, 11 Semi-States, and seven (7) State
    1973-74   Bud Palmer   Muncie Northside                                          Finals.                             wholesome, worthwhile, and healthy activities for
    1974-75   Vincent Keszei   South Bend Jackson                                                                        the student athletes in our state. Statewide, there
    1975-76   James Runyon   Elwood                                                                                      are more than 8,000 officials licensed by the IHSAA
    1976-77   Nelson Almond   Fort Wayne Elmhurst                                                                        in 11 sports
    1977-78   Mark Harbold   Valparaiso
    1978-79   Ron Baker    Yorktown
    1979-80   Frank Patacsil   Logansport
    1980-81   Thomas Doyle   Franklin                                                                    Tournament History
    1981-82   Glenn Glogas   Jay County
    1982-83   Fred Johnson   Greenfield-Central
    1983-84   David Locke   Delta                                                     Many changes have been made to the Indiana state   Due to the sport’s rapid growth, the IHSAA took
    1984-85   Craig Campbell   Delta
    1985-86   Lance Lantz   Wawasee              2021 Mental Attitude Award         wrestling tournament since its inception, and to this day   over sponsorship of the tournament from 1933 to
    1986-87   Terry Kissel   Gibson Southern                                        it remains one of the most exciting and best-attended   1943, though the state finals were still held at Indiana
    1987-88   Matt Morin   Owen Valley                 Evan Shafer                  state finals events on the IHSAA calendar.  University. However, as the Great Depression gripped
    1988-89   Matt Koontz   Whitko
    1989-90   Eddie Palmer   Huntington North          Connersville                   While not officially sponsored by the IHSAA, but   the country and the United States entered World War
    1990-91   Jon McClain   Western Boone                                           held with special permission, the first state high school   II, there was a gradual decline in the number of schools
    1991-92   Tony Roush   Eastbrook                                                wrestling tournament took place in 1922 at Indiana   participating. That forced the IHSAA to drop wrestling
    1992-93   Matthew Armentano   Evansville Mater Dei                              University.A total of 19 wrestlers from seven schools   from its sponsorship from 1944 to 1949. During this
    1993-94   Josh Hutchens   Plymouth
    1994-95   Tony Currie   Adams Central                                           participated in the first tournament. From 1922 to 1935,   period, various participating schools kept the tourna-
    1995-96   Derrick Miller   Eastside                                             a regulation high school wrestling match called for one   ment going by holding an annual invitational state
    1996-97   Jared Williams   Evansville Harrison                                  eight-minute period with both wrestlers starting in the   tournament.
    1997-98   Erik LeBeau   Fort Wayne Concordia
    1998-99   Ben Faurote   Bellmont                                                neutral position on their feet. No point system was in   The IHSAA resumed sponsorship of the tourna-
    1999-00   Marcus Schontube   Lowell                                             place, and the winner was determined solely on rid-  ment in 1950 and continues to do so today. From
    2000-01   J.T. Young   Bloomington South                                        ing time or by a fall. For the 1935-36 season, a point   1950 to 1959, Bloomington and Lafayette Jefferson
    2001-02   Jason Cook   Valparaiso
    2002-03   John Sheets   Bellmont                                                system was installed and periods were added to make   high schools alternated as the host school before the
    2003-04   Blake Maurer   Evansville Mater Dei                                   the matches more interesting for fans.  finals were moved in 1960 to Southport High School’s
    2004-05   Casey Caldwell   Union County                                           From 1922 to 1951, the only IHSAA rules for   7,200-seat fieldhouse.
    2005-06   Jeff Papiernik   Fort Wayne Snider
    2006-07   David Zimmer   Angola                                                 wrestling were the same ones that applied to all sports   The finals eventually required even more seating
    2007-08   Eric Galka   Hobart                                                   in the state, mainly eligibility and age requirements.   and from 1981 to 1999 were held at Market Square
    2008-09   Taylor March   East Noble                                             During this time, so-called gentlemens’ agreements   Arena in Indianapolis before moving to what is now
    2009-10   Francisco Porras   Hobart
    2010-11         Drake Stein   Princeton                                         were decided upon before meets by the coaches and   Bankers Life Fieldhouse in 2000.
    2011-12   Abraham Hall   Bremen                                                 these rules were enforced by the officials.   From 1996 to 2012, a separate team tournament
    2012-13   Luke Blanton   Alexandria                                               A new set of rules, written by coaches Chauncey   was conducted in dual format to determine an overall
    2013-14   Skyler Lykins   Franklin Community                                    McDaniel of Southport High School and Clifford Myers   team state champion. The state finals were conducted
    2014-15   Chase Osborn   Penn
    2016-17   Gunnar Larson   Avon                                                  of Bloomington High School, were adopted by the IH-  at Southport High School in 1996 and then culminated
    2017-18   Mason Parris   Lawrenceburg                                           SAA beginning with the 1951-52 season. Modifications   at Center Grove High School for the next 16 years.
    2018-19   Hunter Watts   Jimtown                                                in the standing rules, most notably those that helped   Beginning in 2013, the state championship team
    2019-20   Jacob Maldonade   Merrillville
    2020-21   Evan Shafer   Connersville                                            to prevent excessive weight loss, were made in time   was again determined by points accumulated by
                                                                                    for the 1957-58 wrestling season. Finally in 1973, us-  individual wrestlers as it had been from 1936 to 1995.
                                                                                    ing Indiana’s rules as a measuring stick, the National
                                                                                    Wrestling Federation Rules were written and adopted.
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