Page 26 - 2024-25 Girls Swimming & Diving State Finals Program
P. 26
Official of the Year
Official of the Year
David Truitt Honored As Top Swimming Official
David Truitt Honored As Top Swimming Official
David Truitt of Lebanon, Indiana is the recipient of David is a member of the Fall Creek Officials As-
David Truitt of Lebanon, Indiana is the recipient of
sociation, as well as the Indiana Officials Associa-
the 2024-25 IHSAA Outstanding Official Award for Swim Chair for the Fall Creek Of cials Associa-
the 2024-25 IHSAA Outstanding Of cial Award for
tion. He’s served the past eight (8) years as the
the sport of Swimming and Diving. tion, in which he conducts meetings that provide
training tutorials and educational content on rule
the sport of Swimming and Diving.
Swim Chair for the Fall Creek Officials Associa-
Each year, the Indiana High School Athletic changes so of cials can obtain their tournament
tion, in which he conducts meetings that provide
Each year, the Indiana High School Athletic
Association recognizes and honors an quali cation. David has also worked as a mentor
training tutorials and educational content on rule
Association recognizes and honors an
outstanding official in each sport. to newer of cials in the state, helping them grow
changes so officials can obtain their
outstanding of cial in each sport.
Officials selected for this and gain valuable experience.
tournament qualification. David has
Of cials selected for this
also worked as a mentor to newer
distinction have gone above and The most enjoyable aspect of of-
distinction have gone above and
officials in the state, helping them
beyond to serve their association, ciating for David is the opportunity
beyond to serve their association,
community, and the IHSAA. Each to give back to his community while
grow and gain valuable experience.
community, and the IHSAA. Each
has shown exceptional qualities of fostering a positive environment for
has shown exceptional qualities of
leadership, dedication, and loyalty student-athletes to learn, grow, and
The most enjoyable aspect of of-
leadership, dedication, and loyalty
to their sport, our student-athletes, compete.
ficiating for David is the opportunity
to their sport, our student-athletes,
and their fellow officials. to give back to his community while
and their fellow of cials.
fostering a positive environment for
student-athletes to learn, grow, and
David has been a licensed IHSAA Truitt works as an Attorney in his
Truitt has been a licensed IHSAA
own private practice and resides
Swimming & Diving official for 26 in Lebanon, Indiana with his wife.
Swimming & Diving of cial for 26
years. During his time with the Together, they have two sons.
years. During his time with the
IHSAA, he has been assigned 31 David works as an Attorney in his
IHSAA, he has been assigned 31
boys and girls sectionals and five David was selected for this honor
own private practice and resides
boys and girls sectionals and ve
(5) diving regionals. He’s had a by a committee representing the
in Lebanon, Indiana with his wife.
(5) diving regionals. He’s had a part
Together, they have two sons.
part in numerous Boys and Girls 24 of cials’ associations in Indiana.
in numerous Boys and Girls State
State Finals events, working as a There are more than 6,000 of cials
Finals events, working as a Timer
Timer and Diving Judge each year. licensed by the IHSAA in 11 sports. These of-
David was selected for this honor by a commit-
and Diving Judge each year.
tee representing the 24 officials’ associations
in Indiana. There are more than 6,000 officials
David is a member of the Fall Creek Of cials As- cials work tirelessly to provide safe, competitive
environments for over 160,000 student athletes
licensed by the IHSAA in 11 sports. These of-
sociation, as well as the Indiana Of cials Associa- in Indiana.
ficials work tirelessly to provide safe, competitive
tion. He’s served the past eight (8) years as the environments for over 160,000 student athletes
in Indiana.
Innovate and Progressive Programs
Innovate and Progressive Programs
that Inspire Excellence
that Inspire Excellence
The IHSAA would like to thank Indiana Swimming
The IHSAA would like to thank Indiana Swimming
for their continued support of Indiana high school
for their continued support of Indiana high school
swimming and diving.
swimming and diving.
26 IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport!
IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport!