Page 45 - 2021 IHSAA Annual Report
P. 45

OUTREA CH + COMMUNICATIONS                                                OUTREA CH + COMMUNICATIONS

 #FaceOfSportsmanship  officials, etc.—to take ownership in the IHSAA.
 The Association really does belong to anyone
 We are incredibly grateful that Ivy Tech   and everyone who supports education-based
 was again a sponsor for the sportsmanship   athletics in Indiana.
 campaign. 2020-21 marked the 17th year
 of the campaign—a yearly program devoted   As the pandemic mutated, the purpose and
 to promoting proper fan conduct at IHSAA   messaging of the campaign adapted. The
 events in addition to reinforcing the value of   Department of Health asked for the IHSAA's
 education-based athletics.   help to remind fans and the student body to
 wear masks, socially distance, and follow the
 Typically, the sportsmanship campaign   virus protocol outlined by health experts.
 employs a toolkit that gets sent to each   The notion of "doing the right thing" was
 member-school. The toolkit includes physical   right at home in the conceptual framework of
 materials such as posters, pins, and brochures.   #ThisIsYourIHSAA.
 However, because many schools weren't
 in session and fan attendance was greatly   The campaign used a variety of mediums.
 hindered, the IHSAA elected to save money   Of note are the radio PSAs. Commissioner
 and not send a physical toolkit. Instead, the   Neidig and all assistant commissioners
 #FaceOfSportsmanship campaign operated as   were used as talent. In addition, Governor
 social media.   Holcomb, Dr. Katie Jenner (Indiana Secretary
 of Education), and Dr. Kristina Box (Indiana
 State Health Commissioner) each made a   2020-21 saw the introduction of a third new campaign that became part of the Association's outreach. For
 #ThisIsYourIHSAA  guest appearance.  years, an issue brought to the Association's attention has been the negative treatment of referees, so we
                     created the Thank You Officials campaign to express gratitude to our officials who make competition possible.
 New this year was a messaging initiative   By year's end, the messaging transitioned to   We wanted to provide these men and women positive feedback for what they do and publicly recognize them
 spearheaded by Commissioner Neidig.   thanking fans for following virus protocol   as an essential group within education-based athletics.
 #ThisIsYourIHSAA serves to remind   because their compliance allowed our state
 everyone—student-athletes, coaches,   to compete and finish every sports season,
 administrators, fans, communities, contest   tournament, and state championship on time.


                     This year the Association was thrilled to
                     partner again with Tobacco Prevention
                     and Cessation (TPC), a program within the
                     Indiana Department of Health. In the past, the
                     TPC and the IHSAA joined forces to combat
                     the use of traditional cigarettes.

                     A similar and more recent epidemic is the
                     use of e-cigarettes. The #DontPuffThisStuff
                     campaign addressed this issue and the
                     dangers therein.

                     The campaign was launched at the start
                     of the boys basketball tournament. The
                     pandemic provided a fitting backdrop, as
                     vaping—just like the virus—wreaks havoc on
                     an individual's respiratory system.

 The Association believes its civic duty extends beyond the court. That can be seen in some of the messaging   Custom-made posters for each member-school were
 found here.         created to combat the vaping epidemic.

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