Page 15 - 2022 IHSAA Annual Report
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THE 2021– 2022
YEAR IN The Statistics
The Association has always emphasized
that statistics are secondary to the
REVIEW character-building life lessons that
education-based athletics teach its student-
athletes—for example, respecting the
rules of the game, perseverance, working
together, and overcoming adversity.
While we stand by the sentiments expressed
above, there is a time and place to celebrate
Title IX at 50 statistical achievement. One statistic
worth celebrating from this past year is
This year’s edition of the Annual Report is a the addition of three new board members
celebration of the 50th anniversary of Title to the executive committee: Kye Denney,
IX and the Education Amendments of 1972. Wes-Del; Tom Black, East Central; and
The Association would like to draw attention Kris Painter, Terre Haute North Vigo. In
to the phrasing “education amendments”— their newly appointed positions, they were
as our organization full-heartedly views able to help guide the state into a new era,
high school sports as an extension of the and we’re thankful for their leadership.
classroom, as education-based athletics.
Another statistic worth celebrating is that Participation in education-based athletics
Consequently, the 50th anniversary of Title in the 50th year of Title IX, 64,000 female provides an opportunity to build lifelong
IX becomes much more purposeful—and student-athletes utilized their right to friendships and develop the skills necessary
so in this Annual Report, we acknowledge complete coursework in the second classroom to become a great teammate.
the positive effects Title IX legislation by participating in a high school sport.
has had on our country and our state. community. Because of that, any community
The Association recognizes that participation member who attends an event to lend
The only proper way to do that is by (especially in the historical context of their support acts as a good teammate.
celebrating Indiana’s past and present Title IX) is a significant accomplishment
female-student athletes. that exponentially increased the number Teamwork will help us ensure our success as
of opportunities available to female a society in the future. That’s why, in addition
Let the celebration begin! student-athletes—and one of the most to being a skill, teamwork is an essential value
fundamental of those opportunities is that education-based athletics emphasizes.
the privilege to be part of a team.
If we can teach student-athletes to
Within athletics, fundamentals are hone the skill of being a good teammate
the most basic skills required to play a and simultaneously embrace the
particular sport. And out of the many value of teamwork, they will be well
skills that comprise the fundamentals, adjusted for life after high school
we’d like to focus on one paramount to our with their first degree in hand.
future success as a society: Teamwork.
Teamwork makes good things happen—we
That teamwork is one of the most critical wouldn’t have Title IX without it. Similarly,
skills needed to play a team sport is the only way the Association can adequately
obvious—but teamwork is also an essential serve its stakeholders—and ensure the
skill required to play any sport, including integrity of education-based athletics for
High school sports help student-athletes individual sports like swimming. future generations—is to prioritize teamwork.
realize the drive needed to succeed on the
playing field and in life. That lesson helped The mentor-mentee relationship between In addition to Title IX’s 50th anniversary,
drive Lily Cridge of Indianapolis Bishop student-athletes and their coaches is also an this Annual Report celebrates the teamwork
Chatard to a first place finish at the Girls example of teamwork. And let’s not forget behind all the Association’s accomplishments
Cross Country State Finals. every student-athlete represents their during the 2021-22 academic year.