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101supporter of the school, (6.) Any privilege, remuneration or inducement not afforded to non-athletes, or not uniformly available to all students, for the prospective student, (7.) Free or reduced rent for the prospective student or the prospective student%u2019s parent(s), guardian(s) or family, (8.) Payment of moving expenses for or assistance with the moving for the prospective student or the prospective student%u2019s parent(s), guardian(s) or family, (9.) Employment for the prospective student or the prospective student%u2019s parent, guardian or family members in order to entice a move to a certain community. e. The penalties provided at rule 17-7.1, notwithstanding: (1.) any violation of rule 20 by a student may result in severe sanctions which may include permanent ineligibility for the student (2.) the submission of false information and/or withholding information may result in severe sanctions which may include permanent ineligibility for the student and Suspension from Membership by the school involved.20-2 Past Link a. A transfer student who has a Past Link with a Receiving School to which the student transfers shall be ineligible at that Receiving School for Three Hundred Sixty-Five (365) days following the student%u2019s enrollment at the Receiving School. b. A Past Link means that during the Twelve (12) months period prior to enrolling at the Receiving School, any of the following occurred: (1.) The transfer student attended an Open Facility at the Receiving School, (2.) The transfer student played on or in a summer, a School sponsored or a Non-School sponsored sports (e.g. AAU) team or program which had a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee who was a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School at the time the transfer student enrolled at the Receiving School, or had been a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School anytime during the Twelve (12) month period prior to the student%u2019s enrollment at the Receiving School, or became a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School anytime during the Ninety (90) day period after the student%u2019s enrollment at the Receiving School. (3.) The transfer student received instruction from a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee who was a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School at the time the transfer student enrolled at the Receiving School, or had been a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School anytime during the Twelve (12) month period prior to the student%u2019s enrollment at the Receiving School, or became a coach, manager, trainer, volunteer or employee at the Receiving School anytime during the Ninety (90) day period after the student%u2019s enrollment at the Receiving School.20-3 History of Recruitment a. In addition to any limitation of a student%u2019s eligibility under any other rule herein, any student who has a history of athletic recruitment shall be entitled to no greater than Limited Eligibility during the time the student is attending a member school. b. A student with a history of athletic recruitment is a student who was, at any time after the student%u2019s Tenth (10th) birthday, recruited by an individual or agency which has a reputation or history of recruiting students who have shown athletic talent, have shown potential athletic talent or whose physical appearance was consistent with those of an athlete, to relocate to a location, facility or educational institution for the purpose, at least in part, of participating in athletics. c. The operation of this rule will not limit a student during the time the student is enrolled at and attending a member school, while the student is residing with his/her parent(s) or bona fide guardian(s).20-4 Financial Aid ProgramsAll funds for or adjustments to tuition, room and board must be awarded under an objectively determined, need-based fi nancial aid program. No new or existing student may accept, be Rule 20 - Undue Infl uence