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                                    115Rule 52 - Basketballin 3 quarters of the Varsity game and 3 quarters of the junior varsity game. A protest was fi led with the game offi cials, but they refused to assess a technical foul. What should be done?A. It is not the responsibility of the game offi cials to enforce the 5-quarter rule. It is the responsibility of the member School principals, athletic directors and coaches to make sure the fi ve-quarter rule is followed. The School committing the violation is expected to report the violation to the IHSAA offi ce. (rule 3-9)Q. 52-15 Is it permissible for a ninth grade %u201cB%u201d Contest to consist of Three (3) six-minute quarters?A. Yes. (rule 52-2)Non-School ParticipationQ. 52-16 Can a student participate in a non-school 3-on-3 basketball tournament (i.e., Gus Macker) during the School Year Out-of-Season?A. Yes, provided no more than Three (3) students who have participated in a Contest the previous year as a member of their school team are on the roster of the Non-School Team. (rule 15-2.2)Q. 52-17 May a student participate in a non-school 3-on-3 basketball tournament during the Summer?A. Yes. During the Summer there is no limit as to the number of students on a Non-School Team who have participated in a Contest the previous year as a member of their school team (rule 15-3.1)Q. 52-18 May booster clubs and other school related organizations sponsor 3-on-3 basketball tournaments during School Year Out-of-Season and Summer?A. Yes.Q. 52-19 Can a student play on an organized basketball team out of season without jeopardizing the student%u2019s eligibility? A. Yes, provided the student follows rule 15-2.2 and rule 15-3.1 and he/she does not violate his amateur standing (rule 5).PracticeQ. 52-20 May a basketball squad be assembled on Sunday for a %u2018skull session%u2019 or review of a game fi lm?A. No, both of these activities are in violation of IHSAA rule 9-13.Q. 52-21 Must a student, who has participated in the IHSAA Football Tournament Series, have Ten (10) days of organized basketball Practice prior to playing in a basketball Contest?A. No, a student going from one sports season to another sports season needs only Five (5) Practice, provided the student reports to Practice immediately (within One (1) week) following the end of the previous season. (rule 50-1.1)GraduatesQ. 52-22 Can graduates practice/participate with or against the high school team or a member of that team?A. High school graduates cannot practice/participate with or against a team or a member of a high school team during the Contest Season. One or more high school graduates participating against a team or member of a high school team would be a violation. This does not prohibit the school from permitting high school graduates to use school facilities for conditioning purposes, but not for the purpose of practicing and/or participating with or against a member School team or team members.UniformsQ. 52-23 May athletes with remaining eligibility who have been selected to participate in basketball all-star contests wear school-owned equipment and/or uniforms?A. No. (rules 15-2.1(d), 15-2.2(e), 15-3.2(c))Fund RaisersQ. 52-24 May a member School hold a student benefi t fund raiser basketball game out-of-season that involves only seniors?A. Yes, if the seniors have no remaining eligibility in basketball. (rule 15-1.2)
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