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3By-LawsPREAMBLEThe principals of the Secondary Schools of Indiana having many years ago recognized the need for a voluntary association of schools to plan, organize and regulate a wholesome amateur program of interschool athletic competition in which school members of such association would participate, and to that end having organized such voluntary association known as the Indiana High School Athletic Association, which has for many years functioned and been operated as such, and which association now having been incorporated under the Indiana Not-For-Profi t Corporation Act, the Board of Directors of said Corporation hereby establish the following as the By-Laws of Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc.ARTICLE I - NAMEThe name of this Corporation shall be the %u201cIndiana High School Athletic Association, Inc.%u201d (The abbreviation of this name is understood to be %u201cIHSAA.%u201d)ARTICLE II - PURPOSEThe purpose of this Corporation shall be to encourage, regulate and give direction to wholesome amateur interschool athletic competition between the schools who are members of the Corporation. All such interschool athletic competition coming under regulation by this Corporation shall be subservient to and complementary to the academic or curricular functions of the member schools which are their primary purposes. To assure that the program of interschool athletic competition remains steadfast to the principles of wholesome amateur athletics and subservient to its primary academic or curricular functions of education of the member schools, the Corporation shall cooperate with agencies vitally concerned with the health and educational welfare of Secondary School students; furnish protection against exploitation of member schools of their students; determine qualifi cations of individual contestants, coaches and offi cials; and provide written communications to establish standards for eligibility, competition and sportsmanship.ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIPSection 1.All Memberships Are Voluntary. An Indiana-based Secondary School may become a member of this Corporation by meeting the requirements for Membership, by subscribing to all rules and regulations of the Corporation, and by completing and submitting a membership application form to the Commissioner, accompanied by a Two Thousand dollar ($2,000.00) initiation fee, on or before August 1.Section 2.Full Membership in this Corporation shall be open to all public, private, parochial, boarding, and institutional high schools of the state off ering and maintaining Two (2) or more years of high school work, provided they meet the requirements of the Corporation and also subscribe to its rules and regulations. A school to be eligible for Membership in the IHSAA must (a) have Full Accreditation or Freeway Accreditation from the Indiana Department of Education or be fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement or by another national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the Indiana Department of Education for purposes of the School Scholarship Program under Ind. Code %u00a720-51 and approved by the IHSAA, provided the school meets the graduation qualifying requirements of the state of Indiana and (b) must have previously provided and continue to maintain at least one team in an IHSAA sponsored sport for each gender during each sports season. A school shall neither become a member nor remain a member in the IHSAA whose detailed fi nancial (athletic or otherwise), scholastic and attendance records are not readily made available, as requested, to the IHSAA during an investigation.Section 3.Any school upon being granted Membership in the Association shall not be permitted to participate in IHSAA tournaments for a period of four years from the date of admittance. Article III - Membership