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136RULE 110 %u2013 TRACK AND FIELDSee rule 9 which applies to all sports. NOTE 1: Converted to Metric System 1979-80; fi eld events excluded.110-1The National Federation Track and Field rules shall govern with the following modifi cations or as further modifi ed by the Committee. a. The javelin event is prohibited in ALL meets. b. The events in all regular outdoor meets shall be: TRACK %u2013 3200 meter relay, 100 meter high hurdles, 100 meter dash, 1600 meter run, 400 meter relay, 400 meter dash, 300 meter low hurdles, 800 meter run, 200 meter dash, 3200 meter run, 1600 meter relay. FIELD %u2013 running high jump, running long jump, discus, shot put, pole vault. c. No contestant shall enter nor participate in more than Four (4) events during any Season Contest.110-2In non-IHSAA sponsored large multiple school meets, the events, event order and scoring shall be determined by the Games Committee.110-3The maximum number of girls%u2019 Season track and fi eld Contests in which any team or student may participate, excluding the IHSAA Tournament Series, shall be Sixteen (16). See rule 101 for Practice and Contest Season.Q & ATrack - GenerallyQ. 110-1 Can a student who runs track for her School, participate in an independent %u201croad races%u201d?A. Yes, provided the student does not violate the amateur rule. (rule 5)Q. 110-2 Can the boys 3200 race and the girls 3200 race be run together?A. Yes, however, places and points scored must be fi gured separately.RULE 111 %u2013 VOLLEYBALLSee rule 9 which applies to all sports.111-1The National Federation Volleyball rules shall govern unless so modifi ed by the Committee.111-2See rule 101 for Practice and Contest Season.111-3The maximum number of season volleyball matches in which any team or student may participate, excluding the IHSAA Tournament Series, shall be Twenty-three (23) plus Two (2) tournaments. a. A student may participate in no more than Nine (9) matches in any calendar week and may participate in no more than Four (4) matches on any One (1) day. b. If a team or student participates in more than Two (2) season tournaments, each match in such additional tournament(s) in which the team or the student participates shall count toward the maximum match season limitation.111-4During the regular season, players may not participate in more than Six (6) sets, Varsity, J.V, etc., against the same school in any one day. Players may not participate at more than one level of team play, Varsity, J.V, etc., in a given tournament. a. The penalties for a violation of this rule include: (1.) team forfeiture of match in which violation occurs, and; (2.) student having to count as Two (2) each match in which for the student was in violation. (3.) participation in any set, for any amount of time, shall count as one set.Rule 110 - Track & Field