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                                    147High School Athletics%u201d in October, 1929, by the Legislative Body, and the Commissioner was granted the powers and duties belonging to a Commissioner of Athletics. Mr. Trester continued to serve as Commissioner until the date of his death, September 18, 1944. The Board of Control designated Superintendent Morris E. McCarty of Lafayette to serve as Acting Commissioner. In December, 1944, Principal L.V. Phillips of Vincennes was chosen Commissioner to take offi ce January 1, 1945. In 1944, the Board of Control was given authority to employ an Assistant Commissioner. Robert S. Hinshaw, Director of Athletics at Rushville High School, was chosen in November, 1945, to take offi ce December 10, 1945 to become the fi rst Assistant Commissioner of Athletics for the IHSAA. In July, 1961, Herman F. Keller of Evansville Bosse High School became the second Assistant Commissioner of Athletics after the death of Mr. Hinshaw. On the retirement of L.V. Phillips, July 31, 1962, the Board of Control selected Phil N. Eskew, Superintendent, Huntington Public Schools, as the third Commissioner of Athletics. The Board conferred the title of %u201cHonorary Commissioner%u201d on L.V. Phillips. On August 1, 1969, Ward E. Brown, Principal of Crawfordsville High School, was selected as Assistant Commissioner to work with Mr. Eskew and Mr. Keller, and on January 1, 1972, Miss Patricia L. Roy of East Gary was selected as Director of Girls Athletics for the Association. Mr. Keller retired as Assistant Commissioner on August 1, 1973 and was succeeded by Charles F. Maas, Athletic Director from Arlington High School, Indianapolis. On July 1, 1974, Miss Sue Parrish of Yorktown became the fi rst Assistant Director of Girls Athletics.Due to the additional Association sponsored sports and the need for more space, the Board of Directors purchased 2.57 acres of land just northwest of 91st and Meridian Streets on August 6, 1975 for the purpose of building the new IHSAA Headquarters. Groundbreaking ceremonies for the 20,000 square foot offi ce building were held April 6, 1976 and the date of occupancy was April 4 and 5, 1977. A formal building dedication and open house was held on Sunday, October 16, 1977 with approximately 500 people in attendance.On April 26, 1976, the IHSAA was incorporated. Certain corporate laws necessitated limiting the length of staggered terms of elected representatives to three years. Renaming of the Athletic Council as Board of Directors and renaming the Board of Control as Executive Committee followed, along with changing the school classifi cations from fi ve to three, reducing the number of members on the Board of Directors from 25 to 15 and increasing the number of members on the Executive Committee from 5 to 10.Phil N. Eskew retired on June 30, 1976 and eff ective July 1, 1976, Ward E. Brown, Assistant Commissioner, became the fourth Commissioner; the title of %u201cCommissioner Emeritus%u201d was bestowed upon Phil N. Eskew; and C. Eugene Cato, former Superintendent, Jay County Schools, became Assistant Commissioner.Mildred M. Ball of East Chicago Washington High School was appointed Assistant Commissioner to fi ll the vacancy created by the resignation of Assistant Director of Girls Athletics Sue Parrish. Titles of Director and Assistant Director of Girls Athletics were offi cially changed to Assistant Commissioner eff ective July 1, 1977.Ward E. Brown retired as Commissioner on June 30, 1983 and eff ective July 1, 1983, C. Eugene Cato, Assistant Commissioner, became the fi fth Commissioner. Ray Craft, former Principal of Shelbyville High School, became the new Assistant Commissioner on July 1, 1983.On November 18, 1983, the Executive Committee approved employing a Sports Information Director to assist in communications with the news media. Bob Williams, former sportswriter for the Indianapolis Star, was appointed to fi ll this position and began his duties on July 1, 1984.Charles F. Maas, Assistant Commissioner since August 1, 1973, passed away after a long illness on November 27, 1984. Robert B. Gardner, former Principal of Milan High School, was selected to fi ll this vacancy and began his duties on February 18, 1985.On November 13, 1992, the Board of Directors voted to add a minority seat/s to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. This By-Law amendment commences with the December, 1993 election. The minority seats shall be fi lled by a minority from each of the three classes, with selections rotated through each of the fi ve districts thus increasing the Board of Directors from 15 to 18 members and the Executive Committee from 10 to 12 members when the rotation is completed in 1997.Bob Williams retired as the fi rst Sports Information Director on June 30, 1994. Jim RusHistory of IHSAA
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