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62Rule 15 - Participation15-2.5 Limited Contact ProgramDuring the School Year Out-of-Season a student who participates in Team or Individual Sports may participate in a Limited Contact Program; a Limited Contact Program is a program in which the use of the School%u2019s gymnasium, playing field or other school facilities is open only to students who attends the School, or a Feeder School of the School sponsoring the program, is open to all such students and participation is on a voluntary basis. a. Limited Contact Program sessions for Team and Individual Sports may be conducted a maximum of Two (2) times per week for a maximum of Two (2) hours per session. b. At a Limited Contact Program session, a Member School Team Sports coach may supervise the programs, communicate with students, offer instruction and work directly with all outof-season athletes, may use all equipment related to the sports, i.e. balls, goals, nets, etc., except that in football no protective equipment such as a helmet, shoulder pads, padding or a girdle may be use, provided that: (1.) the program must be open to all students of the member School; (2.) attendance and participation must be voluntary and not required by the member School coach for membership on a particular sports team, and (3.) participation in a Limited Contact Program session by a student is limited to the following periods of time; Limited Contact ProgramStart Date End DateFall Season Monday of Week 9 Saturday of Week 15Winter Season Monday of Week 23 Saturday of Week 31Spring Season Monday of Week 40 Saturday of Week 45 c. Exception: Students in Sports who participate in a Limited Contact Program which immediately precedes that Sports%u2019 season may continue to participate in the Limited Contact Program until that Sports%u2019 first official practice date, i.e. a girls basketball player participating in the Fall Season Limited Contact Program may continue participation in the Limited Contact Program until the first official practice day for girls basketball.15-3 During SummerParticipation in all Summer activities shall be voluntary.15-3.1 During Summer a. During the Summer a student may participate in athletic activities and in a Conditioning Program sponsored by a member School or by a Non-School organization, provided that the student%u2019s participation is voluntary. b. Except for baseball and football (see below), if a member School sponsors athletic activities for its student athletes at the School during the Summer, such athletic activities may only be conducted in a Summer Open Facility Program, except for Summer athletic competitions, which may be conducted outside of a Summer Open Facility Program. A School%u2019s Summer Open Facility Program is only open to (i) students who attend the School, (ii) to students who attend a Feeder School of the School, (iii) to incoming 9th grade students from nonFeeder Schools who have Enrolled at the School, and (iv) to transfer students who have Enrolled at the School and who have completed and submitted to the IHSAA an IHSAA Transfer Report. c. See definitions of Summer Open Facility Program, Conditioning Program and Summer for beginning and ending times. The foregoing notwithstanding, Summer Conditioning Programs may extend through Saturday of Week 4.15-3.2 Camps and ClinicsStudents may participate in non-school sponsored camps and clinics provided the following standards are met. a. Attendance is limited to non-school time. b. Fees, if charged, must be provided solely by the student, parent or Guardian except for underprivileged students. No School or athletic funds shall be used for such. c. No School-owned uniforms (jerseys, shirts, shorts, pants, singlets, or swim suits, etc.) shall be worn by the student.