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86Q. 18-7 Is a student who is expelled from a School for one (1) entire semester, but who Enrolls at the School the next semester, academically eligible beginning the first day of that next semester?A. Yes, provided the student had passed Seventy percent (70%) of the maximum number of full credit high school subjects or the equivalent for the semester of student%u2019s Enrollment prior to the expulsion. (rule 18-1)Q. 18-8 Is a student who was expelled from school during the middle of a semester, academically eligible for the first Grading Period following the period of expulsion?A. The student%u2019s academic eligibility following a mid-semester expulsion is based upon what happened to the student%u2019s credits and grades. If the student was expelled and all grades for the semester were lost, then the student would not have met the requirements of passing Seventy percent (70%) of the maximum number of full credit high school subjects or the equivalent during the student%u2019s last Grading Period and would be academically ineligible during the first Grading Period following the student%u2019s re-Enrollment. But if the student was permitted to attend an alternative school or have a similar arrangement, post-expulsion, and was permitted to %u2018keep%u2019 the pre-expulsion class credits/grades and was permitted to continue classes, then the student would be academically eligible during the first grading period following the student%u2019s post-expulsion Enrollment, provided the student passed Seventy percent (70%) of the maximum number of full credit high school subjects or the equivalent. (rule 18-1)Q. 18-9 Is a student who was passing Seventy percent (70%) of the maximum number of full credit high school subjects or the equivalent and then dropped out of school for the remainder of the Grading Period, and did not receive any grades for the Grading Period, considered eligible under the scholarship rule at the beginning of the following Grading Period?A. No, the student would fail to meet the requirements of passing Seventy percent (70%) of the maximum number of full credit high school subjects or the equivalent the student%u2019s last Grading Period of enrollment. (rule 18-1)Q. 18-10 Is a student who has been out of high school for a semester or more, and who has played on a Non-School Team during that time, eligible academically when re-Enrolling at a School at the beginning of a semester?A. This is not an academic issue. Non-attendance at a School alone or playing on a Non-School Team does not impact a student%u2019s academic eligibility. Academic eligibility turns upon the student%u2019s academic success or lack of success during the last Grading Period of attendance. (rule 18-1)Make-Up Work and Repeated CoursesQ. 18-11 Can a student repeat a course and have the course count toward academic eligibility?A. Yes, if approved by the principal and a passing grade is earned and placed on the student%u2019s official transcript. Q. 18-12 Can a student, who has an incomplete at the end of a Grading Period in One (1) of the five (5) courses in which the student was enrolled, make up the work in the course, obtain a passing grade for the course, and be academically eligible during the upcoming Grading Period?A. Yes, but it depends on when the class work is made up and when the grade is changed from an %u2018I%u2019 to a passing grade. Incompletes can be made up and an incomplete can be changed to a passing grade, but in order for that passing grade to count for eligibility purposes, the passing grade must have been entered on the student%u2019s records on or before the Eligibility Certification Date, rule 18-5. A School can request a hardship waiver to permit the student to make-up the incomplete after the Eligibility Certification Date. To obtain a waiver the student would have to show that the reason the course could not be timely completed was the result of an extreme situation outside the control of Rule 18 - Scholarship