Page 21 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 21
Article IV - Administration
Section 4. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
a. To regulate and control all athletic contests between and among the members of this
b. To conduct interschool tourneys and meets sponsored by the Corporation.
c. To determine penalties and forfeitures for violations of the By-Laws of the Corporation.
d. To give interpretations of the rules and By-Laws of the Corporation.
e. When charges are made in writing by a member of the Corporation against another
member for violation of the By-Laws, the Committee, after giving due notice of the time
and place for the school so charged to be heard, shall consider such charges and if they
are found to be true, may assess such penalty as may be provided under the By-Laws.
f. To decide all protests brought before it with reference to qualifi cations of contestants to
meets and tourneys.
g. When any matter comes before the Committee for decision which is of special interest to
a school of which a member of the Committee is a representative, the remaining members
shall act in that matter.
h. To initiate and make investigations regarding interschool activities participated in
by members of this Corporation and to make and enforce these regulations deemed
necessary to make eff ective the spirit, purpose and wording of the provisions of the By-
Laws of the Corporation; to make and enforce temporary regulations deemed necessary
to handle emergencies and special conditions that may arise in the regulation of the
interschool athletic activities participated in by members of this Corporation. In the
enforcement of the provisions of this section or any other section or subsection, the
Committee shall have the power to assess any penalty as may be provided under the
i. To execute the rules governing the Corporation in the spirit as well as the letter in which
they are written,
j. To employ a Commissioner and Staff Assistants to serve for a period not to exceed fi ve
years on any one contract beginning on the fi rst day of July following employment at a
salary to be determined by the Committee and shall receive as compensation such sum
and such allowance for expenses and clerical help as the Committee may approve. All
contractual agreements between said personnel and Committee shall be in written form.
k. To fi ll vacancies in the offi ce of Commissioner or Staff Assistants.
l. To determine and set out the powers and duties of the Commissioner and Staff Assistants
with the idea of giving the offi ce of Commissioner the powers and duties of a Commissioner
of Athletics, whose opinions and actions will be subject to review by the Committee on
m. To refuse sanction to games, meets, tourneys and athletic contests in which member
schools are connected if these games, meets, tourneys and athletic contests seem, upon
investigation, to be in confl ict with the spirit, purpose, ideals, standards, policies or best
interest of the Corporation in their inception, arrangements, promotion or management.
n. To make a temporary regulation of the Corporation when an emergency arises. Such
regulation shall be in force until the next meeting of the Directors, at which time it will be
subject to the disposition of this body.
o. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER
shall be followed in all meetings except the Chairperson shall be entitled to vote on any
and all issues.
p. To call any special meeting of the Committee which may be attended by members by
any means of any form of electronic voice communication, provided that all members can
simultaneously hear the proceedings and be heard by all other members of the Committee
in attendance at the meeting. A quorum for any meeting so held shall be computed on
the basis of all persons in voice contact with each other. Any meeting so held shall be a
formal meeting of the Executive Committee for all purposes, and any business may be
transacted at such meeting that could be transacted if the members were assembled in
physical proximity to each other.