Page 74 - 2023-24 By-Laws
P. 74
Rule 15 - Participation
A. No. A high school student may not become an IHSAA licensed Official, and therefore
cannot officiate any Contest in an IHSAA Recognized Sport involving a member
School. However, a high school student may acquire a provisional license through
the IHSAA, and may officiate any contests below the high school level. (rule 14-8)
Q. 14-15 Is a Registered Official qualified to officiate Contest involving member Schools in
all IHSAA Recognized Sports?
A. No. A Registered Official is qualified to officiate Contests involving member Schools
only in the IHSAA Recognized Sports in which the Registered Official is licensed.
Q. 14-16 Is there an IHSAA regulation regarding a licensed Officials playing in a Non-School
Contest with or against a student from a member Schools?
A. No. While a high school student is not eligible to be an IHSAA license Official, the
IHSAA does not prohibit a student from playing with or against an IHSAA licensed
Official in a Non-School Contest. (rule 14-8)
Challenges To and Criticism of Officials Decisions
Q. 14-17 What is the policy of the IHSAA regarding protesting or appealing a Contest decision
by a Contest Official?
A. The decisions of Contest Officials are considered final and binding and are not
subject to appeal or waiver. (rules 9-5, 16-2, 17-8.1)
Q. 14-18 Does the IHSAA have a rule that prohibits School personnel from publicly criticizing
A. Yes. Under rule 8-2, all member School principals are responsible for initiating
appropriate disciplinary measures against coaches for improper and unethical
practices and, at the request of the Commissioner, are to report to the Executive
Committee about such practices and about such measures taken. Criticism of
officials is considered to be inappropriate, improper and unethical, and therefore a
member School’s principal shall immediately take steps to correct their coaching
staff regarding such public criticism of IHSAA licensed Officials and at the request
of the Commissioner, report to the Executive Committee about the same.
Students should have the opportunity to voluntarily engage in non-school sponsored sports
activities provided such activities do not interfere with the student’s educational development
and the activities do not conflict with the principles of wholesome amateur athletics. The
IHSAA wishes to enhance that opportunity while at the same time discouraging the exploitation
of student athletes by overzealous individuals and organizations who attempt to impose an
obligation on the student, to participate in their programs at any cost. There has been growing
evidence of commercialism of high school athletes. In far too many instances non-school
sponsored sports events have been the “market place” where the students have been lured
to display their “athletic wares.” Experience has revealed that such events tend to divide
the allegiance of the students, undermine their respect for their high school coaches, and
encourages the type of adulation which gives the students an exaggerated notion of the
importance of their own athletic prowess rather than reinforcing the idea that athletic ability
is an endowed talent which students should use for the pleasure and satisfaction that they
may derive from athletic competition. By the promulgation and enforcement of these rules the
IHSAA strives to eliminate these abuses.
15-1 Individual Sports (Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming & Diving, Tennis,
Track & Field, and Wrestling)
15-1.1 During Authorized Contest Season
a. Participation by a student in any organized non-school sports competition during the
Authorized Contest Season, or at any time prior to the conclusion of the student’s
participation in the IHSAA Tournament Series, in that sport shall cause such students
to become ineligible for their School team in that sport for a period not to exceed Three-
hundred Sixty-five (365) days as determined by the Commissioner, unless an outstanding
student-athlete waiver for said competition is approved by the coach, principal and the