Page 27 - 2017-18 School Directory
P. 27
Full Member School Totals 2017-18 Pro le
2017-18: 410 1963-64: 599 1909-10: 219 Full Member Schools: 410
( 2016-17:410 1962-63: 640 1908-09: 188 Total Member Schools: 410
2015-16: 408 1961-62: 662 1907-08: 152
2014-15: 410 1960-61: 690 1906-07: 123 Provisionary Members Gained: 1
2013-14: 412 1959-60: 696 1905-06: 117 Trinity School at Greenlawn, South Bend
2012-13:410 1958-59: 712 1904-05: 101
2011-12: 408 1957-58: 730 1903-04: 71 Members Lost: 1
2010-11: 410 1956-57: 742 Indianapolis Marshall
2009-10: 411 1955-56: 7 45
2008-09: 411 1954-55: 755 School Name Changes: O
2007-08: 407 1953-54: 753
2006-07: 406 1952-53: 738 No. of Full Member Schools by District
2005-06: 400 1951-52: 761 District I: 129
2004-05: 398 1950-51 : 762 District II: 153
2003-04: 396 1949-50: 771 District Ill: 128
2002-03: 392 1948-49: 773 (For geographic location of schools and district
2001-02: 386 1947-48: 783 boundaries, please see map on pages 22-23)
2000-01: 387 1946-47: 789
1999-00: 386 1945-46: 786 State Tournament Eligibility
1998-99: 386 1944-45: 788 Beginning in 2017-18
1997-98: 384 1943-44: 788 Christel House Academy
1996-97: 385 1942-43: 792 Indianapolis Lighthouse Charter-South
1995-96: 385 1941-42: 800 Providence Cristo Rey
1994-95: 388 1940-41: 797 Smith Academy for Excellence
1993-94: 388 1939-40: 783
1992-93: 389 1938-39: 785 Beginning in 2018-19
1991-92: 389 1937-38: 805 Traders Point Christian
1990-91: 389 1936-37: 803
1989-90: 391 1935-36: 805 Beginning in 2019-20
1988-89: 390 1934-35: 801 None
1987-88: 391 1933-34: 798
1986-87: 392 1932-33: 799 Beginning in 2020-21
1985-86: 397 1931-32: 803 Indianapolis Lighthouse Charter-East
1984-85: 396 1930-31: 800 Lighthouse Christian Academy
1983-84: 401 1929-30: 799
1982-83: 400 1928-29: 795 Beginning in 2021-22
1981-82: 401 1927-28: 796 Trinity School at Greenlawn
1980-81: 403 1926-27: 798
1979-80: 401 1925-26: 777
1978-79: 399 1924-25: 784
1977-78: 405 1923-24: 762
1976-77: 407 1922-23: 738
1975-76: 410 1921-22: 694
1974-75: 419 1920-21: 673
1973-74: 424 1919-20: 621
1972-73: 423 1918-19: 560
1971-72: 428 1917-18: 453
1970-71: 438 1916-17: 502
1969-70: 444 1915-16: 448
1968-69: 464 1914-15: 387
1967-68: 489 1913-14: 314
1966-67: 514 1912-13: 258
1965-66: 545 1911-12: 244
1964-65: 572 1910-11: 222