Page 64 - 2017-18 School Directory
P. 64

       Hamilton Southeastern   ID: 139     Hammond Academy of Science and   (
       13910 E. 126th St.  Fishers, IN 46037   Technology   ID: 433       33 Muenich Ct.  Hammond, IN 46320   (
       IHSAA District: 2                   Website:
       Enrollment: 3129                    IHSAA District: 1               (
       Nickname: Royals                    Enrollment: 281
       Colors: Red, White & Blue           Nickname: Hawks
       Conference: Hoosier Crossroads Conference   Colors: Black & Gold    (
       Main Phone: 317-594-4196            Conference:
       AD Fax: 317-594-0096                Main Phone:                     (
       Sup: Dr.Allen  Bourrff  317-594-4100   AD Fax:
       Prin: Matt Kegley  317-594-4190     Sup: Sean Egan  219-852-0500 Ext 101   (
       Co AD 1: Jim Self  317-594-4196 Ext 8308   Prin: Sean Egan  219-852-0500 Ext 101
       AD 1 Email:     AD: Eric Speer  219-852-0500 Exl 115
       Co AD 2: Greg Habegger  317-594-4196   AD Email:
       AD 2 Email:   Boys Sports   Girls Sports    t
       Ath. Sec: Nancy  Clingman  317-594-4196 Ext 11948   BA  Ron Heller   BB  Jermel Nelson
       Ath. Trainer: Sieve Zook  317-594-4196   BB  Eric Speer   CC  Jennifer Ledford   (
       Ath. Trainer: Jeff  Franciosi  317-776-6266   CC  Jennifer Ledford   GO  Ron Heller
       Boys Sports      Girls Sports       FB              GY              (
       BA  Scott Henson   BB  Chris Huppenlhal   GO        SO
       BB  Brian Satterfield   CC  Joe Golden   SO  Ron Heller   SB  Samantha Erler
       CC  Joe  Golden   GO  Steve Guenin   SW             SW
       FB  Scott May    GY                 TE  Rich Soria   TE  Arthur Young   (
       GO  David Young   SO  Greg Davidson   TR            TR
       SO  Chris While   SB  David Cook    WR              VB  Angelica Solo   (
       SW  Andy Pedersen   SW  Andy Pedersen
       TE  Kirk  Webber   TE  Kirk Webber
       TR  John  Albrecht   TR  Julie Alano                                (
       WR  Kyle  Poyer   VB  Jason  Young
               Unified Track:  Marsha Lee                                  C
        Hammond   ID: 140                  Hammond Bishop Noll   ID: 144
       5926 Calumet Ave.  Hammond, IN 46320   1519 Hoffman SI.  Hammond, IN 46327   (
       Website:      Website:
       IHSAA District: 1                   IHSAA District: 1               (
        Enrollment: 802                    Enrollment: 496
        Nickname: Wildcats                 Nickname: Warriors              (
       Colors: Purple & White              Colors: Blue & Gold
       Conference: Great Lakes Athletic    Conference: Greater South Shore   (
        Main Phone: 219-933-2442           Main Phone: 219-853-1736
       AD Fax:                             AD Fax: 219-937-8469
        Sup: Walter Walkins  219-933-2400   Sup: Dr. Joe Majchrowicz  219-769-9292   C
        Prin: Dr. Johnny Goodlow, Jr.  219-933-2442 Ext 1510   Prin: Lorenza Pastrick  219-932-9058 Ext 1001
       AD: Larry Moore  219-933-2442 Ext 1570   AD: Brandi Krolak  219-932-9058 Ext 1500   C
       AD Email:   AD Email:
       Asst. AD: Richard Bailey  219-933-2442   Asst. AD: Ed Hreha  219-932-9058
        Alh. Trainer: Corryn Poby  219-933-2442   Alh. Sec: Sandi Ruzycki  219-932-9058 Ext 1123
        Boys Sports     Girls Sports       Alh. Trainer: Ryan Collins  1-708-712-3076   C
        BA  Wayne Straka   BB  Kyles Eundee   Boys Sports   Girls Sports
        BB  Larry Jr. Moore   CC  Travis Morris   BA  Anthony Hoolehan   BB  Vanita Golston   (
        CC  Josette Perkins   GO           BB  Josh Belluomini   CC  Karl Repay
        FB  Roosevelt Moore   GY           CC  Karl Repay   GO  David Padilla   (
        GO              SO  Caprice Thompson   FB  Wayne Racine   GY
        SO  Zaragoza Daniel   SB  Jackie Brasseur   GO  David Padilla   SO  Cory Cruz   (
        SW  Sue Mathewson   SW  Sue Mathewson   SO  Armando Garza   SB  Rich Sobilo
        TE  Nate Foor   TE  Nale Foor      SW  Christine Lewandowski SW  Mary Pasyk   (
        TR  Travis Morris   TR  Josette Perkins   TE  Eric Medina   TE  Eric Medina
        WR  Adam Johnlon   VB  Alyssa Arroyo   TR           TR  Karl Repay   (
                                           WR  Robert Maldonado   VB  David Rodriguez

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