Page 25 - 2008-09 Baseball State Finals Program
P. 25

Last Year’s State Finals in Review


              A record-tying inning from Shakamak propelled the Lak-  to tie the game. Betts had reached on a fielder’s choice and
           ers past Cowan, 6-2, in the Class A championship game at   Smith had walked. Later, with one man on, Grissom stole
           Victory Field in Indianapolis.       second, and after Cowan pitcher Justin O’Conner walked
              It was the first state championship in school history for   senior Derrick Bennett, senior Justin Cox was hit by a pitch
           the school located in the town of Jasonville, which sits in an   forcing in sophomore Billy Newton to give Shakamak a
           area of east central Indiana that was hit hard by heavy rains   3-2 advantage. A double by senior Jaret May drove in all
           and flooding early in the week. It was the fifth appearance   three baserunners to increase the lead to 6-2. The six runs
           in the state finals for No. 4 Shakamak which was making its   tied the Class A championship game record for most in an
           third straight trip to the championship game.  inning.
              No. 6 Cowan struggled to come up with an answer      Shakamak’s defense prevented Cowan from scoring
           to Shakamak sophomore pitcher T.J. Hill, who struck out   again, ensuring the win for second year head coach Matt
           six through the first four innings. The Blackhawks broke   Fougerousse and his crew. Previously, Shakamak had to
           through in the top of the fifth putting up two runs. Junior   settle for the runner-up position in 2004, 2006 and 2007.
           Jacob O’Conner reached third on an error by the leftfielder,      No. 6 Cowan, coached by Camden Parkhurst, finished
           scoring sophomore Skyler Toomey who had walked earlier.   the season 24-6. The Blackhawks were playing in the state
           O’Conner then stole home to give Cowan a 2-0 lead.  finals for the first time.
              Shakamak (26-8) answered in their half of the fifth      Shakamak’s Hill finished with 10 strikeouts to set a new
           inning.  With two outs and the bases loaded, sophomore Ben  IHSAA Class A championship game record. The previous
           Grissom scored teammates Timothy Betts and John Smith   mark was seven.


              Second-ranked Fort Wayne Bishop Luers scored a 2A   Wyss’ single to left that scored Daniel Peppler and Bunn.
           record number of runs in the fifth inning to break open a      Elwood answered with four of its own in the bottom
           close game and went on to defeat No. 9 Elwood, 14-8, for   half of the sixth. Trailing 14-4, senior Nate Jones launched
           the state championship at Victory Field in Indianapolis.  a lead-off home run over the left field fence. Aaron Klein
              With the vic-                                         followed with a double
           tory, Bishop Luers                                       to right and Jacob
           became the first                                         Dunnichay reached on
           school in IHSAA                                          a fielding error. Kevin
           history to win a                                         Worsley then singled to
           football, basketball                                     right scoring Klein and
           and baseball title                                       moving Dunnichay to
           in the same school                                       third. A couple batters
           year. Earlier this                                       later, Troy Worsley
           year, Bishop Luers                                       grounded out to second
           defeated Heritage                                        plating Dunnichay. Wills
           Christian, 21-6, for                                     then tripled to center
           the 2A football state                                    scoring Kevin Worsley
           title and defeated                                       from second.
           Winchester, 69-67,                                         For Luers, Peppler
           to win the 2A boys                                       went 4-4 with three RBI
           basketball championship. It was the school’s first baseball   and two runs scored and Bunn went 4-5 with two RBI and
           championship and no Bishop Luers student-athlete was on   three runs. Andrews also batted three scores for the win-
           the roster of all three teams.       ners and Hammock was responsible for a double and triple.
              The Knights (30-3) scored a 2A record six runs in the   For Elwood, Troy Worsley went 3-4 with two RBI and one
           top of the fifth inning to break open a 4-3 advantage. A pair   score and Wills went 3-4 with three RBI. Elwood left nine
           of big hits were turned in by senior Chuck Andrews who   runners on base.
           singled to center scoring Tyler Bunn and Tim Kawiecki and      Elwood (27-5) was making its first appearance in the
           two batters later when junior Tyquan Hammock tripled to   baseball state finals and had a 16-game winning streak
           right field bringing home Dan Wyss and Andrews. Wyss had   snapped. The Panthers were coachedby Adrian Helm. Lu-
           reached on a throwing error.         ers was coached by 22nd year skipper Gary Rogers.
              Luers added four more in the sixth inning including
                                      IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!          23

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