Page 21 - 2008-09 Baseball State Finals Program
P. 21

Outstanding Official

                   Dave Stauffer Honored as Top Baseball Official

                                   Athletic Association, in coopera-  ments.  He also played on the South
                                   tion with the National Federation of   Adams baseball team that finished as
                                   Interscholastic Officials Association,   the state runner-up in 1972.
                                   recognizes and honors an outstanding      Stauffer has completed 27 years
                                   official in each of 11 sports during the   of officiating in the sports of baseball,
                                   school year.             basketball, and volleyball and has
                                        Stauffer was selected for this honor   been a member of the Lime City
                                   by a committee representing the of-  Officials Association.  He served as
                                   ficials associations.  In Indiana, there   its Baseball Vice-President from 1988
                                   are 26 associations made up of men   to 1994 and the Board of Directors for
                                   and women who give up much of their   four years.
                                   personal time to assist in providing      Stauffer attended Indiana State
              Dave Stauffer of Berne is the   wholesome, worthwhile, and healthy   University where he earned a Bach-
           recipient of the 2009 Interscholastic   activities for the student athletes in our   elors degree in Business.  He has
           Athletic Official Association Award for   state.  Statewide, there are more than   been engineering new product design
           excellence in the sport of baseball.    8,000 officials licensed by the IHSAA   at Elkhart Products Corporation for 23
           Stauffer will be honored in a special   in 11 sports.    years and has been with the company
           ceremony at this weekend’s state      During his career, Stauffer has   for 30 years. He has been married to
           finals tournament.      worked 10 regionals, three semi-  his wife Anna for 28 years. They have
                Each year, the Indiana High School   states, and two state finals tourna-  two children, Todd and Jenna.

                  Official photographers of the IHSAA and Indianapolis Colts!
                  To order photographs from IHSAA State Finals events go to:

                                      IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!          19

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