Page 27 - 2012-13 Wrestling State Finals Program
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Outstanding Official Award
Mark A. Hollingsworth Named Top Wrestling Official
Mark A. Hollingsworth of Flora is the recipi- Mark was selected for this honor by a com-
ent of the 2012 Interscholastic Athletic Official mittee representing the official’s associations.
Award for excellence in the sport of wrestling. In Indiana there are 26 associations made up
Each year, the of men and women who give up much of their
Indiana High School personal time to assist in providing wholesome,
Athletic Association, in worthwhile, and healthy activities for the student
cooperation with the athletes in our state. Statewide, there are more
National Federation of than 8,000 officials licensed by the IHSAA in 11
Interscholastic Officials sports.
Association, recognizes Mark is a 1971 graduate of Western High
and honors an outstand- School and a 1977 graduate from Indiana
ing official in each of 11 University, where he obtained bachelor’s and
sports during the school master’s degree in science (health, psychology).
year. He is married to wife Kathy J. Noel. Mark has
An active member of North Central Indiana three children: Elizabeth (30), Christina (28), and
Athletic Officials Association, Mark has offici- Luke (25).
ated wrestling for 30 years. During his career,
Mark has officiated 25 sectional, 22 regional, 19
semi-state, six individual and three team state
final tournaments.
State Finals Scoring Procedures
Scoring will go to eight (8) places. Team scoring will be as follows for places 1-8.
First Place ....................................16 pts.
Second Place ..............................12 pts.
Third Place ....................................9 pts.
Fourth Place ..................................7 pts.
Fifth Place ......................................5 pts.
Sixth Place .....................................3 pts.
Seventh Place ...............................2 pts.
Eighth Place ....................................1 pt.
In addition, two (2) advancement points will be awarded in the Championship Bracket and one (1) point
for advancement in the Consolation Bracket.
Finally, team points will be awarded for individual matches with the following results:
Fall .................................................2 pts.
Forfeit ............................................2 pts.
Default ...........................................2 pts.
Disqualification ..............................2 pts.
Technical Fall ..............................1.5 pts.
Major Decision ...............................1 pts.
Source: 2012-13 Wrestling Rule Book, National Federation of State High School Associations
IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport! 27