Page 29 - 2012-13 Wrestling State Finals Program
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Last Year’s Team State Finals
Perry Meridian Wins Second Consecutive Team Wrestling State
Perry Meridian finished another
perfect season (27-0) as head The 17th Annual
coach Jim Tonte and the Falcons IHSAA Team Wrestling State Finals - February 25, 2012
celebrated at center mat with a Center Grove High School, Greenwood, Indiana
43-14 victory over Crown Point
(23-1) in the 17th annual IHSAA Quarterfinals
Team Wrestling State Finals at Indianapolis Cathedral 37, Penn 24 Crown Point 46, Kokomo 15
Center Grove High School in Perry Meridian 52, Warren Central 19 Evansville Mater Dei 45, Bellmont 19
Greenwood. The title is Perry
Meridian’s second consecutive Semifinals
team wrestling title. The Falcons Crown Point 36, Indpls Cathedral 21 Perry Meridian 40, Evansville Mater Dei 19
have finished runner-up four times
(1991-92, 2001-02, 2003-04, and Championship Results
2008-09). Perry Meridian 43, Crown Point 14
106 – Jacob Cottey, 10, (PM), def. Brett Ervin, 11, (CP), Fall (3:05).
The Falcons championship match 113 – Brandon James, 9, (PM), def. Darden Schurg, 9, (CP), Dec. 13-10.
was convincing, and the road to 120 – Joshua Fuqua, 10, (CP), def. Aiden Kenny, 10, (PM), Dec. 3-2.
the title match was much of the 126 – Cody LeCount, 10, (PM), def. Trevor Burlison, 10, (CP), Dec. 8-4.
same. Perry Meridian advanced 132 – Jared McKinley, 12, (PM), def. Cameron Halsted, 12, (CP), TF 25-10 (5:10).
to the championship round with 138 – Nick Bova, 11, (PM), def. Tyler Burlison, 11, (CP), Fall (0:55).
a 52-19 quarterfinal victory over 145 – Jason Tsirtsis, 12, (CP), def. Riley McClurg, 11, (PM), Tech. Fall 19-4 (4:56)
Warren Central. In the semifi- 152 – Paul Matthews, 11, (PM), def. Trevor Blue, 12, (CP), Maj. Dec. 9-1.
nals, Perry Meridian defeated 160 – Kirk Johnson, 12, (PM), def. Jake Fuqua, 12, (CP), Dec. 5-0.
Evansville Mater Dei 40-19. In the 170 – Jake Masengale, 11, (PM), def. Dustin Schurg, 11, (CP), Fall (1:29).
other semifinal Crown Point beat 182 – CJ Martin, 12, (PM), def. Jacob Hazi, 11, (CP), Maj. Dec. 9-1.
Indianapolis Cathedral 36-21. 195 – Matt Langbehn, 11, (CP), def. Devante Ash, 12, (PM), Dec. 10-4.
220 – Tyler Kral, 12, (CP), def. Jordan Naughton, 12, (PM), Dec. 7-0.
The championship match started 285 – Donte Winfield, 11, (PM), def. Josh Swope, 12, (CP), Dec. 7-2.
with the 106-pound weight class,
where Perry Meridian sophomore
Jacob Cottey won by first period fall over At 132-pound weight individual state Bulldog junior Dustin Schurg moved up a
junior Brett Ervin. Cottey’s fall vaulted champion Perry Meridian senior weight class to wrestle in the 170-pound
Perry Meridian to a 6-0 lead and never Jared McKinley jumped out to an 8-3 class to take on Perry Meridian junior
trailed in the final match. first period lead over Bulldog senior Jake Masengale, but Masengale proved
Cameron Halsted. The match ended in too much as he won by first period fall.
Two freshman at 113 pounds, Brandon a technical fall (25-10) for McKinley.
James defeated Crown Point’s Darden At 182-pound C.J. Martin of Perry
Schurg in a decision 13-10 after jumping The 138 pound class saw its second fall Meridian won a major decision (9-1) over
out to a 12-3 lead and hanging on for the of the match as Falcon junior Nick Bova Crown Point junior Jacob Hazi.
victory. wasted no time pinning Bulldog junior
Tyler Burlison in a mere 55 seconds. Crown Point junior Matt Langbehn and
After a scoreless first period at the DeVante Ash a senior at Perry Meridian
120-pound weight class, Perry Meridian At 145-pounds Bulldog senior and four- met in the 195-pound weight class.
sophomore Aidan Kenny broke the tie time individual state champion Jason Langbehn pulled out the match with a
with a reversal in the second period. Tsirtsis won by technical fall (19-4) over 10-4 decision.
The third period started with sophomore Perry Meridian junior Riley McClurg.
Crown Point Josh Fuqua down 2-1, but Last week’s 220 state champion senior
with a reversal in the final minute he 152-pound junior Paul Matthews of Tyler Kral of Crown Point won a 7-0
pulled out the victory by decision 3-2. Perry Meridian went the distance with decison over Perry Meridian senior
Crown Point senior Trevor Blue. Mat- Jordan Naughton.
Crown Point sophomore Trevor Burlison thews pulled out the victory in a major
and Perry Meridian sophomore Cody decision 9-1. The 285-weight class pitted Falcon junior
LeCount at the 126-pound class went the Donte’ Winfield against Bulldog senior
distance with Falcon Cody LeCount com- The 160-pound weight class saw Fal- Josh Swope. Winfield won the final
ing out on top with a 8-4 decision. con senior Kirk Johnson wrestle Bulldog match with a 7-2 decision.
senior Jake Fuqua to a 5-0 decision.
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