Page 27 - 2014-15 Girls Soccer State Finals Program
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Boys Record Book

              IHSAA State Championship Match Records through 2013-14

     Most Goals in a Half                 Fewest Shots Allowed (Since 2000)
     2A: 1 by Columbus North vs. Warsaw (1st half), 2012; 1 by Crown Point vs.   2A: 10 by Warsaw vs. Columbus North, 2012.
     Avon, 2013; 1 by Avon vs. Crown Point, 2013.  A: 0 by Guerin Catholic vs. Providence, 2013.
     A: 4 by FW Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian (Indianapolis) (1st half), 2012.  Single Class: 5 by Evansville Memorial vs. Chesterton, 2007.
     Single Class: 4 by North Central (Ind.) vs. FW Canterbury (2nd half), 1996.  Fewest Shots on Goal Allowed
     Most Combined Goals in a Half        2A: 4 by Warsaw vs. Columbus North, 2012.
     2A: 2 by Crown Point (1) and Avon (1) (1st half), 2013.  A: 0 by Guerin Catholic vs. Providence, 2013.
     A: 4 by FW Canterbury (4) and Covenant Christian (Ind.) (0) (1st half), 2012.  Single Class: 1 by Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Carmel, 1997; 1 by Fort
     Single Class: 5 by North Central (Indianapolis) (4) and Fort Wayne   Wayne Canterbury vs. Washington, 1998; 1 by Fort Wayne Canterbury vs.
     Canterbury (1) (2nd half), 1996.     Brownsburg, 2001..
     Most Goals
     2A: 3 by Crown Point vs. Avon, 2013.  INDIVIDUAL RECORDS
     A: 5 by Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian (Indianapolis), 2012.
     Single Class: 6 by North Central (Indianapolis) vs. FW Canterbury, 1996.  Most Goals in a Half
     Most Combined Goals                  2A: 1 by Brad Shaw, Columbus North vs. Warsaw (1st half), 2012; 1
     2A: 4 by Crown Point (3) and Avon (1), 2013.  by Bay Kurtz, Crown Point vs. Avon, 2013; 1 by Taylor Kleyn, Avon vs.
     A: 5 by Fort Wayne Canterbury (5) and Covenant Christian (Indpls.) (0), 2012.  Crown Point, 2013.
     Single Class: 7 by North Central (Indianapolis) (6) and Fort Wayne   A: 2 by Britt Watts, FW Canterbury vs. Evansville Mater Dei (2nd half), 2011.
     Canterbury (1), 1996.                Single Class: 2 by Kei Tennyson, North Central (Indianapolis) vs. Fort
                                          Wayne Canterbury (2nd half), 1996.
     Most Assists in a Half
     2A: 1 by Columbus North vs. Warsaw (1st half), 2012.  Most Goals
     A: 4 by FW Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian (Indianapolis) (1st half), 2012.  2A: 1 by several players.
     Single Class: 2 by Penn vs. Castle (1st half), 1999; 2 by Valparaiso vs. East   A: 2 by Britt Watts, FW Canterbury vs. Evansville Mater Dei, 2011.
     Central (1st half), 2004; 2 by Carmel vs. Elkhart Central (2nd half), 2006; 2   Single Class: 3 by Kei Tennyson, North Central (Indianapolis) vs. Fort
     by Zionsville vs. Homestead (1st half), 2009.  Wayne Canterbury, 1996.
     Most Combined Assists in a Half      Most Assists in a Half
     2A: 1 by Columbus North (1) and Warsaw (0) (1st half), 2012.  2A: 1 by Keaton Voegerl, Columbus North vs. Warsaw (1st half), 2012.
     A: 4 by Fort Wayne Canterbury (4) and Covenant Christian (Indpls.) (0) (1st   A: 2 by Britt Watts, Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian
     half), 2012.                         (Indianapolis) (1st half), 2012.
     Single Class: 3 by Carmel (2) and Elkhart Central (1) (2nd half), 2006; 3 by   Single Class: 2 by Ryan Marques, Penn vs. Castle (1st half), 1999; 2 by
     Zionsville (2) and Homestead (1) (1st half), 2009.  Aaron Henkle, Carmel vs. Elkhart Central, 2006.
     Most Assists                         Most Assists
     2A: 1 by Columbus North vs. Warsaw, 2012.  2A: 1 by Keaton Voegerl, Columbus North vs. Warsaw, 2012.
     A: 4 by Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian (Indianapolis), 2012.  A: 2 by Britt Watts, Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian
     Single Class: 3 by Valparaiso vs. East Central, 2004.  (Indianapolis), 2012.
                                          Single Class: 2 by Ryan Marques, Penn vs. Castle, 1999; 2 by Scott
     Most Combined Assists                Wolff, Valparaiso vs. East Central, 2004; 2 by Aaron Henkle, Carmel vs.
     2A: 1 by Columbus North (1) and Warsaw (0), 2012.  Elkhart Central, 2006.
     A: 4 by Ft. Wayne Canterbury (4) and Covenant Christian (Indpls.) (0), 2012.
     Single Class: 3 by North Central (Indianapolis) (2) and Fort Wayne   Most Shots (Since 2000)
     Canterbury (1), 1996; 3 by Fort Wayne Canterbury (2) and Carmel (1), 1997;   2A: 7 by Brad Shaw, Columbus North vs. Crown Point, 2011.
     3 by South Bend St. Joseph’s (2) and North Central (Indianapolis) (1), 2003;   A: 10 by Britt Watts, Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian
     3 by Valparaiso (3) and East Central (0), 2004; 3 by Carmel (2) and Elkhart   (Indianapolis), 2012.
     Central (1), 2006; 3 by Zionsville (2) and Homestead (1), 2009.  Single Class: 8 by Javier Castillo, Fort Wayne Canterbury vs.
                                          Brownsburg, 2001.
     Most Shots (Since 2000)
     2A: 21 by Columbus North vs. Crown Point, 2011.  Most Shots on Goal
     A: 28 by Guerin Catholic vs. Providence, 2013.  2A: 3 by Nathan Kaplan, Columbus North vs. Crown Point, 2011.
     Single Class: 24 by North Central (Indianapolis) vs. South Bend St. Joseph,   A: 5 by Britt Watts, FW Canterbury vs. Evansville Mater Dei, 2011.
     2003; 24 by Evansville Memorial vs. Chesterton, 2007.  Single Class: 7 by Kei Tennyson, North Central (Indianapolis) vs. South
                                          Bend Adams, 1994; 7 by Kei Tennyson, North Central (Indianapolis) vs.
     Most Combined Shots (Since 2000)     Fort Wayne Bishop Luers, 1995.
     2A: 32 by Columbus North (21) and Crown Point (11), 2011.
     A: 34 by FW Canterbury (25) and Covenant Christian (Indpls.) (9), 2012.  Most Saves
     Single Class: 37 by North Central (Indianapolis) (24) and South Bend St.   2A: 7 by Christian Lomeli, Crown Point vs. Columbus North, 2011.
     Joseph (13), 2003.                   A: 13 by Jeff Wiles, Providence vs. Guerin Catholic, 2013.
                                          Single Class: 11 by Armando Femia, South Bend Adams vs. North
     Most Shots on Goal                   Central (Indianapolis), 1994; 11 by Kevin Erb, Fort Wayne Bishop Luers
     2A: 7 by Columbus North vs. Crown Point, 2011.  vs. North Central (Indianapolis), 1995.
     A: 15 by Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Evansville Mater Dei, 2011.
     Single Class: 25 by North Central (Indianapolis) vs. S.B. Adams, 1994.  Fastest Goal
                                          2A: 8:05 by Brad Shaw, Columbus North vs. Warsaw, 2012.
     Most Combined Shots on Goal          A: 7:28 by Jacob Fritz, Fort Wayne Canterbury vs. Covenant Christian
     2A: 14 by Avon (8) and Crown Point (6), 2013.  (Indianapolis), 2012.
     A: 17 by Fort Wayne Canterbury (15) and Evansville Mater Dei (2), 2011; 17   Single Class: 4:38 by Matt Fundenberger, North Central (Indianapolis) vs.
     by FW Canterbury (13) and Covenant Christian (Indianapolis) (4), 2012.  Fort Wayne Canterbury, 1996.
     Single Class: 32 by North Central (Indpls.) (25) and S.B. Adams (7), 1994.  Fastest Goal in Second Half
     Most Saves                           2A: None.
     2A: 7 by Crown Point vs. Columbus North, 2011; 7 by Crown Point vs. Avon,   A: 51:17 by Adam Antalis, FW Canterbury vs. Evansville Mater Dei, 2011.
     2013.                                Single Class: 40:21 by Daniel Moore, Carmel vs. Elkhart Central, 2006.
     A: 13 by Providence vs. Guerin Catholic, 2013.
     Single Class: 11 by South Bend Adams vs. North Central (Indpls.), 1994; 11   Fastest Goal in Overtime
     by Fort Wayne Bishop Luers vs. North Central (Indpls.), 1995.  2A: 82:24 by Nate Brower, Crown Point vs. Avon, 2013.
                                          A: None.
     Most Combined Saves                  Single Class: None.
     2A: 12 by Crown Point (7) and Columbus North (5), 2011.
     A: 14 by Evansville Mater Dei (12) and Fort Wayne Canterbury (2), 2011.  Latest Goal Scored
     Single Class: 19 by FW Bishop Luers (11) and North Central (Indpls.)   2A: 85:39 by Brad Kurtz, Crown Point vs. Avon, 2013.
     (8), 1995.                           A: 71:44 by Zach Garvey, Guerin Catholic vs. Providence, 2013.
                                          Single Class: 79:36 by Steve Shively, North Central (Indianapolis) vs.
     Largest Margin of Victory            Carmel, 2005.
     2A: 2 by Crown Point (3) vs. Avon (1), 2013.
     A: 5 by FW Canterbury (5) vs. Covenant Christian (Indianapolis) (0), 2012.  Attendance
     Single Class: 5 by North Central (Indpls.) (6) vs. FW Canterbury (1), 1996.  Current Four State Championship Matches: 5,290 in 2013.
                                          Single Class: 6,981 in 2000 (all boys and girls matches, six total)..
                           IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport.  Pure INDIANA!  27
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