Page 23 - 2017-18 Girls Swimming & Diving State Finals Program
P. 23

State Champions

                      State Championships by an Individual
          Name               School(s)            Number       Years
          Claire Adams       Carmel                  16       2013-16
          Veronica Burchill   Carmel                 15       2013-16
          Emily Ayers        Carmel                  14       1992-95
          Lindsay Benko      Elkhart Central         11       1991-94
          Lacey Locke        Carmel                  11        2010-13
          Allison Bock       Lafayette Jefferson     10        1987-90
          Debbie Daniel      Anderson                10        1981-84
          Katie Simmons      Carmel                  10       1997-2000
          Sherry Cartwright   Ben Davis/Harrison (WL)     9    1978-81
          Susan Hentschel    North Central (Indpls.)     9     2000-03
          Trish Regan        Carmel                    9       2008-10
          Taylor Baughman    Carmel                    8       2002-05
          Amy Bilquist       Carmel                    8       2014-15
          Lindsay Carlberg   Carmel                    8       1995-98
          Ginger Faerber     Carmel                    8       1986-89
          Linda Grondziak    Ben Davis                 8       1977-80
          Heidi Hendricks    Logansport                8       1984-87
          Michelle McKeehan   Center Grove             8       2005-08
          Leah Retrum        Columbus North            8       2000-03
          Tricia Tyner       Carmel                    8       1987-90
          Krista Davis       Carmel                    7       1995-98
          Heidi Hafner       Anderson/Carmel           7       1983-86
          Pam Hayden         Columbus East             7       1981-83
          Hanna House        Carmel                    7       2012-14
          Michala Kwasny     Fort Wayne Snider         7       1996-99
          Missy McCracken    Carmel                    7       1986-88
          Emma Nordin        Carmel                    7       2015-17
          Erin Sparks        Carmel                    7       2002-04
          Jenni Anderson     Chesterton                6      1999-2001
          Sammie Burchill    Carmel                    6       2015-17
          Elizabeth Christy   North Central (Indpls.)     6    2000-03
          Lynn Etnyre        Columbus North            6       1984-86
          Buffy Horlander    Ben Davis                 6       1979-80
          Carly Marshall     Carmel                    6       2009-11
          Leslie Place       Fort Wayne Snider         6       1991-94
          Katie Robinson     South Deaborn             6       2000-03
          Trude Rothrock     Carmel                    6       2015-17
          Rhiannon Sheets    Carmel                    6       2009-11
          Erica Watts        Carmel                    6      1998-2000
          Talor Whitaker     Chesterton                6       2005-07
          Ariana Bullard     Carmel                    5       2011-13
          Jenny Connolly     Harrison (WL)             5       2006-08
          Katie Fields       Columbus North            5       1995-98
          Bethany Galat      Penn                      5       2012-14
          Christy Grcevich   Chesterton                5       2003-06
          Carly Mercer       Hamilton Southeastern     5       2007-08
          Lia Oberstar       Fort Wayne Bishop Dwenger     5   1991-94
          Jeanne Proteau     South Bend Clay           5       1974-75
          Lindsay Rogers     Hamilton Southeastern     5       2005-08
          Christine Shehorn   North Central (Indpls.)     5    2002-05
          Kendall Smith      Carmel                    5       2014-16
        Most Points Scored                Closest Margin of Victory
        Points  School   Year             Diff.  Year   Teams         Score
        445    Carmel    2014-15          3   1976-77  Munster – SB Clay   133-130
        438    Carmel    2015-16          6   1991-92  Carmel – Elkhart Central   190-184
        427    Carmel    2008-09                 7   1981-82  Carmel – Anderson   123-116
        420.5   Carmel   1996-97          12   1980-81  Ben Davis – Penn   113-101
        419    Carmel    1997-98, 2009-10  18   2002-03  Carmel – North Central   277-259
                       Widest Margin of Victory
                       Diff.  Year  Teams                 Score
                       266   2014-15   Carmel – Fishers   445-179
                       244.5  2015-16   Carmel – Hamilton Southeastern  438-193.5
                       242.5  1996-97   Carmel – Richmond   420.5-178
                       241   1997-98   Carmel – Center Grove   419-178
                       240   1995-96   Carmel – Valparaiso   418-178
                                IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!          23
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