Page 17 - 2021-22 Volleyball State Finals Program
P. 17
Outstanding Official
Steve Kline Honored as the State’s Top Official
Each year, the Indiana High School Athletic Association official and a licensed PIAA official for 10 years prior to his
honors an outstanding official in each sport during the move to Indiana.
State Finals Tournament. Steve has been a licensed volleyball and Basketball official
Steve Kline of Schererville is the recipient of the 2021 in Indiana for the past 20 years. He is also a licensed
IHSAA Outstanding Volleyball Official Award in the state official in Illinois. He has worked 15 IHSAA volleyball
of Indiana. sectionals, nine regionals, five semi-states
career. Steve also serves as a local
Kline has been a licensed volleyball official and two state finals matches during his
for over 30 years and is a member of the association clinician in Lake County.
Lake County Officials Association. Kline, a purchasing/industry manager for
Kline, a Pennsylvania native, got his start PepsiCo, resides with his wife of 32 years,
officiating working YMCA Recreational Judy. They have five children together.
Leagues at the age of 16. He volunteered
many hours assisting the young people of Kline was selected for this honor by a
Pennsylvania and also took the initiative to committee representing the officials
help improve the officiating in his associations. In Indiana, there are 24
community. Steve established a new associations made up of more than 6,000
chapter of officials in Berks County, PA men and women who assist in
in order to support the growing number providing wholesome, worthwhile, and healthy
of leagues in the community and served activities for the student-athletes in our state.
on the leadership team and as a rules Statewide, there are more than 6,000 officials
interpreter. He was a licensed PAVO licensed by the IHSAA in 18 sports..
IHSAA - Pure Spirit. Pure Sport. Pure INDIANA! 17