Page 23 - 2024-25 Boys Swimming & Diving State Finals Program
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State Champions          State Champions

                     State Championships by an Individual
        Name               School(s)             Number      Years
        Wyatt Davis        Carmel                  14       2017-2020
        Jason Lancaster    Carmel                  12       1991-1994
        Kyle Whitaker      Chesterton              12       2007-2010
        Jacob Mitchell     Carmel                  11       2018-2020
        Grant Wieczorek    Carmel                  11       2001-2004
        Blake Pieroni      Chesterton               9       2012-2014
        Conor Leehaug      Columbus North           8       1997-2000
        Mike Reynolds      Carmel                   8       1992-1995
        Aaron Whitaker      Chesterton              8       2013-2014
        Michael Christy     North Central (Indpls.)   7     2004-2007
        Jason Cousins       Carmel                  7       2001-2004
        Gregg Enoch         Carmel                  7       2022-2024
        Todd Griner         Anderson                7       1986-1988
        Mike Kearney        Bloomington             7       1971-1973
        Drew Kibler         Carmel                  7       2017-2018
 2023-24 IHSAA Boys Swimming and Diving State Champion  Will Modglin   Zionsville   7   2021-2023
 Carmel Greyhounds  Ryan Robling   Anderson         7       1990-1993
        Aaron Shackell      Carmel                  7       2022-2023
 Year   Champion   Coach   Runner-Up      Coach      Score                  Alec Sheehy   Columbus North   7   1997-2000
 Indiana University Natatorium, IUPUI, Indianapolis   Joe Sheehy   Columbus   7   1963-1966
 1994-95  South Bend Riley   Dave Dunlap   Munster      Gary Davis      154.5-145  Bill Bass   Chesterton   6   2007-2009
 1995-96  Carmel   Tony Young   Goshen / Bloom. South   -      224-166
 1996-97  Carmel   Tony Young   Columbus North      Jim Sheridan      208-193  Jack Franzman   Brownsburg / Zionsville   6   2015-2018
 1997-98  Columbus North   Jim Sheridan   Carmel      Tony Young      247-201  Jeff Holowach   North Central (Indpls.)   6   1981-1983
 1998-99  Columbus North   Jim Sheridan   Lake Central      Jim Tonkovich      227-205  Jon Karr   Columbus North    6   1996-1998
 1999-00  Columbus North   Jim Sheridan   Carmel      Tony Young      229-170  Nathan Kinney   Hamilton Southeastern    6   2007-2010
 2000-01  Carmel   Ken Stopkotte   North Central (Indpls.)      Mark Hesse      274.5-194.5  Ryan Malicki   Carmel    6   2019-2022
 2001-02  Carmel   Ken Stopkotte   South Bend Riley      John VanDriessche     299.5-154  Brian Moon   Carmel    6   1993-1996
 2002-03  Carmel   Ken Stopkotte   South Bend Riley      John VanDriessche     369-143
 2003-04  Carmel   Tom Burchill   Homestead      Chad Englehart      352-206  Charles Newell   Columbus    6   1963-1966
 2004-05  North Central (Indpls.)  Mark Hesse   Penn      Dan Vogelgesang     221-187  Rick Roberts   Kokomo    6   1968-1971
 2005-06  North Central (Indpls.)  Bruce Patmos   Homestead      Chad Englehart      295-209  Sean Sullivan   Carmel    6   2022-2023
 2006-07  Hamilton Southeastern  Andy Pedersen   North Central (Indpls.)      Charlie Fry      262-235  Kirk Watson   Anderson    6   1992-1993
 2007-08  Chesterton    Kevin Kinel   Hamilton Southeastern     Andy Pederson      271-266  Steve Weisser   South Bend Jackson    6   1973-1975
 2008-09  Chesterton    Kevin Kinel   Carmel, Munster, NC (Indpls.)     -      222-183
 2009-10   Carmel     Chris Plumb     Munster        Matt Pavlovich      245-217
 2010-11  Carmel    Chris Plumb   Bloomington South        Kyle Ruth      227-171
 2011-12  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Bloomington South      Kirk Grand      246.5-245  Most Points Scored  Closest Margin of Victory
 2012-13  Chesterton   Kevin Kinel   North Central (Indpls.)     Matt Papachronis     238.5-203.5  Points  School  Year    Diff.  Year   Teams   Score
 2013-14  Chesterton   Kevin Kinel   Avon      Jon Karr      240-198  417    Carmel    2017-18
 2014-15  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Zionsville      Scott Kubly      253.5-176   409    Carmel    2023-24  1    1940-41   Hammond-Gary Mann    38-37
 2015-16  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Zionsville      Scott Kubly      216-215  1    1942-43   Hammond-South Bend Central   37-36
 2016-17  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Zionsville      Scott Kubly      359-229  381    Carmel    2021-22  1    1978-79   Munster-South Bend Riley   127-126
 2017-18  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Franklin Community      Zachary DeWitt      417-203  369    Carmel    2002-03
 2018-19  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Franklin Community      Zachary DeWitt      353.5-178  363    Carmel    2022-23  1    2015-16   Carmel-Zionsville    216-215
 2019-20  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Munster      Tina Schmidt-McNulty     331-183
 2020-21  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Fishers      Joe Keller      360-198.5
 2021-22  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Zionsville      Scott Kubly      381-247   Widest Margin of Victory
 2022-23  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Zionsville      Scott Kubly      363-257  Diff.  Year  Teams  Score
 2023-24  Carmel   Chris Plumb   Penn      Jess Preston      409-165  244    2023-24   Carmel-Penn   409-165
                   226   2002-03   Carmel-South Bend Riley   369-143
              For Full Boys Swimming & Diving   214   2017-18   Carmel-Franklin Community   417-203
          State Tournament History,   175.5  2018-19   Carmel-Franklin Community   353.5-178
          please scan the QR Code  161.5  2020-21   Carmel-Fishers   360-198.5

 22   IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!  IHSAA - Pure Spirit.  Pure Sport!  23
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