Page 31 - 2015 IHSAA Annual Report
P. 31


               2014-15 Corporate Partners

               Thanking our Corporate Partners and Sponsors

               Corporate involvement is essential for most   In return, these young people are learning life
               not-for-profit organizations, and the IHSAA   skills that cannot be taught in the high school
               is no exception. That’s because the IHSAA    classroom. Skills such as respect for authority,
               receives no federal, state or local tax monies,   self discipline, sportsmanship, time manage-
               and unlike many state organizations, it does   ment, teamwork and persistence. This is the
               not charge its member-schools an annual      same skill set that will help them become more
               membership fee or any tournament entry fees.   productive employees and more responsible
               The IHSAA’s only sources of revenue are gate   citizens. So when a company or organization
               receipts at tournament events (a substantial   invests in high school sports, it literally is
               portion of which are returned to member-     making an investment in its community.
               schools), official licensing fees, broadcast
               rights fees and corporate partnerships.      On behalf of the IHSAA’s 410 member-schools,
                                                            its coaches and administrators, and the thou-
               In reality, our corporate partners are not   sands of student-athletes who play the games,
               supporting our association, per se, but rather the   we say thank you to all of our corporate partners
               160,000 student-athletes who participate in the   and sponsors. Your support of high school
               21 tournament sports that the IHSAA sanctions.  athletics is much needed and much appreciated.

                                                   INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION        ANNUAL REPORT        2015        29
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