Page 44 - 2019 IHSAA Annual Report
P. 44

2018–19: #FaceOfSportsmanship


               Poor fan behavior is the primary reason   the pins they received, and 48% posted their
               the target of the IHSAA sportsmanship     presentations on social media—impressive
               program has shifted from being student to   percentages for a brand-new program.
               adult oriented, and the tone of the campaign
               has become tougher. Social media posts and   Thanks to all the administrators who have
               emails to the parents of student-athletes have   taken the time to identify and reward good
               been direct about reminding adults to be part   sportsmanship in their school communities,
               of the solution instead of part of the problem.   whether through the IHSAA pin program or
                                                         any of the other tools the IHSAA provides.
               In an effort to generate even more awareness of   Their commitment to this program is the
               the challenge, the IHSAA sportsmanship pin   primary reason much progress is being made.
               program was introduced to the membership
               in 2018-19. Every high school athletic director
               and principal in the state received 15 pins
               at the beginning of the school year to award   One of the most effective tools in communicating
               to anyone in their school communities who   with adult fans about the importance of practicing
               displayed exemplary acts of sportsmanship.   good sportsmanship is social media. The IHSAA
               They were also encouraged to take a photo of   posts messages directed to the parents of student-
               the presentation and post it on social media.   athletes and other adult fans on Twitter, Instagram
                                                         and Facebook every week during the school year.
               A survey of IHSAA member-schools
               indicates that 72% awarded at least some of

               42        INDIANA  HIGH  S CHOOL  A THLE TIC  ASS OCIA TION         Annual Report        2019
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