Page 15 - 2022-23 Annual Report
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THE 2022 - 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW                                                     THE 2022 - 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW

 The Association is confident that the   In this spirit of providing learning
 executive staff appointments will further   opportunities for Indiana student-
 embolden the IHSAA’s emphasis on   athletes, the Association approaches
 education and that those elected to the   its student-athlete transfer policies:
 board in 2022-23 will do the same.   The aim is for all Hoosier students to
 be afforded the opportunity to learn in
 A special election was held in October to fill   the second classroom if they desire.
 vacated seats on the board. Jeff Hamstra,
 Chesterton AD, District 1, Class AAAA; Kyle   However, member school by-laws are
 Duncan, Brownsburg Assistant AD, Southern   implemented to help protect education-
 District Minority; and Joe Herrmann,   based learning opportunities for
 Evansville Mater Dei AD, Private Schools,   every student-athlete affected by a
 were elected as new board members.   transfer—including the last player on
 the bench as much as the star athlete.
 During annual voting in December,
 the vacated District 1, Class AA seat   The IHSAA never wants to deny a student-
 was filled by Paul Voigt, Churubusco   athlete participation and tries to find
 Superintendent. Upon election, Voigt   a pathway for every student-athlete to
 immediately began serving in his role.  participate in education-based athletics.
 In the unfortunate times when a transfer is
 No matter what one’s role is as a member   not granted eligibility, it is only in the best   The retention of contest officials is a key priority of the IHSAA. The Association made the important
 of the executive staff or a member of   interest of the learning opportunities of   decision to standardize ticket prices at sub-State Tournament events in order to increase the pay and
 the board, all are standup teammates in   all involved and in the spirit of fairness.  benefits for IHSAA officials.
 helping the Association provide learning
 opportunities for Indiana student-  Going back to “the last player on the bench,”
 athletes in the second classroom.   the Association believes these student-  In 2022-23, to the credit of member   In addition, the application process was
 athletes cannot lose their opportunity to learn   school by-laws, 4,131 student-athletes,   overhauled to be less cumbersome. Also, a
 from sports at the expense of an athlete whose   or over 99% of applicants, found a path   new system was introduced that connects
 transfer is motivated by athletic reasons.  to eligibility in the second classroom.  would-be officials with seasoned veterans who
                                                               act as mentors. The thought process behind
                     Just as student-athlete transfers can be a   implementing this system is to help with
 2022-23 STUDENT-ATHLETE TRANSFERS AND FOREIGN    difficult issue to navigate, so is the decision   official retention—because nothing keeps a
 EXCHANGE TRANSFERS  to raise ticket prices. In 2022-23, the IHSAA   student or mentee invested like a good teacher.
                     deemed it necessary to standardize ticket
                     prices at sub-State Tournament events.
                     The motivation for doing this was to help
                     address a significant issue that other state
                     associations throughout the country also
  TOTAL   TOTAL      deal with, a shortage of game officials.
 3,523  642          The IHSAA understands that education-
                     based athletics are possible because of
                     a vast array of roles performed by many
                     different people. While celebrating
                     educators this year, the importance of game
                     officials should not be overlooked. Without
 Category  Total   Category  Total   them, competition cannot take place.
   Full Eligibility  3,268    Full Eligibility  620
   Limited Eligibility  227    Limited Eligibility  16  With that in mind, the Association
                     decided to increase ticket prices and
   Ineligible  28    Ineligible  6  used the $500,000 generated in revenue
                     to increase benefits for IHSAA officials,   With the updates to, the Association’s
 The graphics above illustrate the student-athlete transfer eligibility statistics from 2022-23. Last year, less   including better pay and increased   website now better reflects its mission to keep
 than 1% of transfers were deemed ineligible.  mileage reimbursement in all sports.   education in front of athletics.

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