Page 17 - 2022-23 Annual Report
P. 17

THE 2022 - 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW                                                     THE 2022 - 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW

 “ keeping education in front of athletics, no   Commissioner Neidig (far left) and Assistant
                     Commissioner Robert Faulkens (far right) pose for
 one’s role is more essential than the educators who   a photo with two of the winners of the “Champions
                     of Education Award.” Connie Holstine of Silver
 guide Indiana student-athletes on their journey to   Creek and Denise Maldonado of Andrean received
                     their awards at the Class 3A Baseball State Finals.
 become better, stronger, and brighter every day.”

 Prospective officials can apply online at    Those in attendance at the Girls and Boys, where a significant investment   Basketball State Finals this year, as well as the
 was made this year. The entire website was   Baseball and Softball State Finals, witnessed
 overhauled. It was the first major upgrade   the presentation of the brand-new Champions
 to the site since 2009. The update allowed   of Education Award. The first IHSAA award
 critical upgrades to be installed to the content   designed specifically for teachers, its purpose
 management system (CMS), while continuing   is to celebrate educators, including educators
 to provide a platform for the public to access   of the traditional classroom. Moving forward,
 tournament and event information and details.   the Champions of Education award will be
 presented during the State Finals for every
 The Association is excited to see the positive   class of all team sports.
 impact the new site will have. All devices
 can now easily access the information on the   One teacher from each of the State Finalists
 website, which allows more people to follow   is recognized for their ability to connect with
 the story of high school sports in Indiana.  their students in a way that leads them to be
    the best version of themselves, both inside the
 Many positive changes have happened at the   classroom and out. It’s just one way the IHSAA
 Association last year. Another improvement   can express gratitude to teachers for guiding
 is the new structure of the Girls and Boys   Hoosier students on their learning path.
 Basketball Tournaments as well as the
 Baseball Tournament.  It was an entire team effort to make the
 learning opportunities for 160,000 student-
 In all three tournaments, the Regional is now a   athletes possible in 2022-23. Invaluable
 single-game championship, and the Semi-State   contributions were made by the Indianapolis
 became a two-game affair, with the winner   Colts, Indiana Pacers and Fever, Indiana
 advancing to the State Championship game.   Farm Bureau Insurance, and the rest of the
 incredibly important roster of corporate
 Because the format doubles the number   partners. Success also wouldn’t be possible
 of teams that play a week longer in the   without contest officials, the support of local
 tournament, this creates a lot more   communities, and all champions of education-
 excitement in those communities—this can   based athletics.
 be witnessed by local media coverage, which
 essentially doubled. Fanbases welcomed the   Of course, in keeping education in front of
 change in structure, and the energy at Semi-  athletics, no one’s role is more essential than
 State games made that apparent.  the educators who guide Indiana student-
 athletes on their journey to become better,
 The new tournament structure will also give   stronger, and brighter every day. As the Year
 the host communities an economic boost.   in Review comes to its conclusion, the IHSAA
 Beyond schools increasing their concession   asks all its stakeholders—as champions of high
 sales, they get to put their best foot forward   school sports—to keep educators front of mind.
 and welcome a greater amount of the public to
 their facilities. Meanwhile, local businesses
 benefit from the influx of fans spending an
 extended amount of time in the community.

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