Page 13 - 2024 Annual Report
P. 13

2023–2024 Year in  r eview                                                                      2023–2024 Year in  r eview

 Year in             Biennial Sectional Realignments             CREATING BALANCE
 2023 - 2 4
                                                                 Finding balanced sectional numbers
                     In 2023-24, sectional realignments were
                     revisited. This critical process occurs every
                                                                 within multiple class models can
                     two years. This year’s realignments covered
                                                                 be difficult. While it may seem
 Review              six classes in football, four in volleyball,   straightforward to simply divide each
                     basketball, baseball, and softball, and three
                                                                 class equally, that’s not always feasible—
                     in soccer. These adjustments are vital for
                                                                 particularly in a four-class system.
                     addressing the dynamic nature of school
                     populations and maintaining competitive     That’s because not every “1A” school
                                                                 fields an athletic team for every team
                     integrity across all sports. Additionally,   sport. To create balance in the number
                     the realignment process promotes healthy    of schools competing in sectionals in a
                     rivalries between area schools, enhancing   four-class system, placing the smallest
                     the excitement for fans and communities.    30% of enrollment schools in 1A helps
                                                                  maintain that equity.
                     When a school moves to a different
                     sectional—whether changing class via
                     enrollment or through the tournament      The IHSAA realizes that it’s not possible for
                     success factor—or a new school is added   every school community to be placed in a
                     to a sectional, it creates a domino effect   perfect sectional upon realignment. Still, the
                     across the state that our team evaluates.   Association is committed to a data-driven
                     The process begins with a data-driven     and community-inclusive process to ensure
                     approach, utilizing advanced software to   that the sectional realignments are as fair
                     provide precise school size and geographic   and beneficial as possible for all member
                     location data. However, this data is just the   schools. By continually refining this process
                     starting point.                           and incorporating stakeholder feedback,
                                                               the IHSAA remains dedicated to fostering a
                     Realignment committees—composed           competitive yet equitable environment for all
                     of athletic directors, principals, and    student-athletes in Indiana.
                     superintendents from various regions
                     and school sizes—provide local insights   To the committees who dedicate their time
                     and logistical considerations essential for   and expertise to the realignment process,
                     creating practical and effective sectional   the Association is deeply thankful for their
                     groupings. The committees are essential in   invaluable contributions and essential
                     making sure we do not evaluate sectional   insights that help shape the best possible
                     alignments in a silo. As each class, location,   sectional alignments for Indiana high
                     and sport are evaluated, the realignment   school sports.
                     committees help ensure the entire state is
                     being served, not just a single entity.

                     For football, the six classes were realigned
                     with 32 schools in the top two classes
                     (6A and 5A), 62 schools in 4A and 3A,
                     and 63 schools in 2A and 1A. In volleyball,
                     basketball, baseball, and softball, the
                     four-class structures were adjusted with
 Throughout the year, the Association’s   These actions illustrate the IHSAA’s   the largest 20% of schools in 4A, the next
 commitment to character and community   resolve to constantly enhance the high   25% in 3A, the next 25% in 2A, and the
 was evident in many ways, from collaborating   school sports experience. They underscore   final 30% in 1A. Soccer saw three classes
 with member schools to forming new   the Association’s commitment to ensuring   with participating member schools    Community support is essential to a healthy high
 partnerships and impactful initiatives.   that education-based athletics remain   divided equally.   school experience. During the Boys Basketball
 equitable, competitive, and enriching for                      Sectionals, the Greenfield-Central student body
 all of Indiana’s school communities and                        showed up in full force to support the Cougars.

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