Page 15 - 2024 Annual Report
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2023–2024 Year in r eview 2023–2024 Year in r eview
Renovations, Partnerships, Paramount to the IHSAA fulfilling its The Ford Center in
and Board Happenings mission is the partnerships it builds and Evansville was a
maintains. In 2023-24, the Association and wonderful host for
After deferring maintenance for several the Foundation spearheaded an essential the Boys Wrestling
years due to post-pandemic budgets, the partnership with Ref Reps to enhance State Finals. The
Association addressed essential mechanical, officials’ education and recruitment. This event, typically
electrical, and plumbing needs in their collaboration supports the development of held at Gainbridge
40-plus-year-old building. In addition to a robust network of well-trained officials, Fieldhouse,
custodial updates, significant renovations were ensuring the integrity and quality of high was moved to
undertaken to install new meeting rooms and school sports across Indiana. This initiative accommodate
workspaces. These upgrades ensure that the is critical as there has been a decline the NBA All-Star
facilities meet the needs of the staff, provide in contest officials, and sports cannot Weekend.
a more effective working environment, continue without officials.
and—ultimately—help the Association’s main
office better serve its membership. Because #ThisIsYourIHSAA, the
Association always aims to enhance high
Not only were changes made to the IHSAA’s school sports for everyone, including
physical board room, but the Association’s improving the fan experience. Digital
Board of Directors also saw personnel tickets were made available through
changes. The Board is tasked with the Eventlink for most IHSAA Tournament
governance and strategic direction of high Events. This advancement provided a more
school sports in Indiana. It is structured streamlined and accessible way for fans to
to provide balanced representation from support their teams.
different regions and school sizes, further The IHSAA is forever grateful for the support
showing the Association’s commitment to of its partners and sponsors and always aims Bicentennial Unity Plaza was a new addition
all communities. to be just as good of a teammate in return. outside of Gainbridge Fieldhouse this year. It
Because the Pacers and Fever—and the city provided the perfect backdrop for fans—like
This year, several new members were of Indianapolis—had the opportunity to host these Saint Joseph Huskies—to celebrate
elected to the Board, each bringing a unique the NBA All-Star Game, the Association Hoosier Hysteria.
perspective. Martin Brown, Athletic Director relocated the Wrestling State Finals to the
from North Vermillion, was elected to fill Ford Center in Evansville.
a vacancy in the District II, Class A seat
and began his three-year term on January Competing at world-class venues like
1, 2024. Paul Voigt (Superintendent, Gainbridge Fieldhouse is a once-in-a-
Churubusco), Jeff Hamstra (AD, Chesterton), lifetime opportunity for student-athletes.
Chris Conley (Principal, Delta), Tim Grove While circumstances surrounding the Boys
(Principal, North Knox), and Tom Black Wrestling Tournament prevented this year’s
(Principal, East Central) were all re-elected wrestlers from competing at Gainbridge,
by member school principals to serve three- the IHSAA is grateful for the Evansville
year terms starting July 1, 2024. community’s ability to host and continue the
rich tradition of the Wrestling State Finals.
High school Additionally, the IHSAA delayed the
sports provide Boys Basketball State Finals by a week
an opportunity to accommodate host sites for the 2024
for Hoosiers to NCAA Tournament—this helped ensure
come together and the NCAA’s event could proceed without
support the values conflict. Hosting marquee national events
that make our like the NBA All-Star Game and the NCAA
communities special. Basketball Tournament are significant
opportunities for Indiana’s economy and
culture. As good Hoosier teammates, the
IHSAA is always ready to assist and welcome
the growth from these opportunities.