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                                    28A. No, the Age Rule is sports specific, and a student may be too old to participate in One (1) sport during a season and yet eligible in another sport that same season. (rule 4-1)Q. 4-6 Is a football player on a Class 1A team, who turns Twenty (20) years of age on the day after the 1A championship game is scheduled, but on the day the 5A championship game is scheduled, eligible?A. Yes, under the Age Rule, in sports which are divided into Classes, the date which controls is the date the State Finals is scheduled in the student%u2019s Class. (rule 4-1)Proof of AgeQ. 4-7 What is considered evidence of age?A. If there is doubt as to a student%u2019s age, One (1) or more, of the following documents, duly authenticated and in the order named, will be considered evidence of age:a. birth certificate, properly recorded at or near time of birth;b. baptismal certificate;c. documentary evidence such as family record of birth in Bible, certificate of arrival in the United States, a passport or a life insurance policy of at least a few years standing;d. grade and high school records;e. written and signed statements by superintendent of Schools, public health physician, attending physician, parent or Guardian;f. other credible evidence.Procedure to Follow in Determining AgeQ. 4-8 If doubt exists regarding the age of a student, may a student be permitted to participate in Contests pending removal of doubt?A. No, the student is ineligible until documentation proving the student%u2019s age is provided. (rule 3-8)Q. 4-9 What should be done in cases of doubt as to age?A. When there is doubt as to the age of a student, a determination of age should initially be made by the member School principal after a complete investigation. If there is still doubt, the member School%u2019s principal shall submit all evidence to the Commissioner for a determination. Until a determination is made regarding the qualification of a student under the Age Rule, the student may practice with a team but may not participate in interschool athletics as a member of the School%u2019s team. (rules 3-8, 17-2.5)Q. 4-10 If, after all available data regarding the age of a student is submitted, and the date of birth of a student cannot be determined, what step should a School take?A. The Commissioner will establish a date for athletic eligibility purposes on the data submitted. This date shall control unless new credible evidence can be located and submitted to the IHSAA for a determination. (rule 17-5)RULE 5 %u2013 AMATEURISM AND ASSUMED NAME PROHIBITION5-1 Amateurism %u2013 Sport-SpecificTo be eligible to participate as a representative of a member School in a sport recognized by the Association, a student must be an amateur in that sport.5-2 Definition of AmateurismAn amateur is one who engages in athletic competition solely for the physical, mental, social and pleasure benefits derived from the activity. To be an amateur in a sport, a student cannot have: a. Accepted remuneration, or a benefit other than of a symbolic nature, directly or indirectly, for athletic participation in that sport.  b. Capitalized on athletic fame by receiving money or gifts of a monetary nature. c. Signed a professional contract, directly or indirectly, in that sport. d. Participated in athletic activities, tryouts, auditions, practices and games held or sponsored by professional athletic organizations, clubs, or their representatives during the Contest season. e. Failed to return player equipment or uniforms issued by a School or Non-School Team Rule 4 - Age
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