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                                    22enrollment pursuant to rule 2-2; these Classes are customarily of equal size. A School subject to the Success Factor is then placed into a larger-enrollment Class pursuant to rule 2-5. In Team Sports other than football, even if this reclassing results in a Class having more Schools than another Class, rule 2-2(g) prohibits moving any School into a lower-enrollment Class. However, in the Team Sport of football, rule 2-2(g) is inapplicable, and after a School is re-classed into a larger-enrollment Class pursuant to rule 2-5, the smallest School in that Class shall move down to the next lower-enrollment Class in order to have equal sized Classes.RULE 3 %u2013 ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY3-1 Required Compliance with IHSAA rulesIt is the responsibility of each member School to control its athletic program in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Association. It shall be the duty of the member School principals to see that all members of their staff who deal with athletics and all student athletes are made aware of these rules and regulations. Failure to so inform any staff member or student-athlete shall not prevent the Association from enforcing its rules, since the Association presumes that all of its members and their staff as well as the individual participants have read and understand these rules, and by consenting to be members of the Association and by participating in Association sanctioned events, agree to abide by these rules and regulations.3-2 Designation of Team Coach(es) by PrincipalThe principal has the authority to designate a faculty member employed in that school system to act as coach of the teams representing the School.3-3 Principal or Designee Shall Represent SchoolThe principal of the member School or School official so designated by the principal shall represent such School at all meetings of the Association requiring their attendance.3-4 Principal or Designee Shall Accompany All TeamsThe principal or authorized representative shall accompany each team to all Contests.3-5 Member School Rules May Narrow But Not Conflict with IHSAA rulesIt is recognized that any school corporation may narrow the scope of its athletic activities and may have rules governing participants in addition to these rules provided the same do not conflict with or violate the Association rules.3-6 Member School Responsible for Control of Athletic Program and SupportersThe member School%u2019s responsibility for the conduct of its athletic program includes responsibility for the actions of its staff members, its participants, and any other individual or organization actively engaged in activities promoting the athletic interests of the member School. A member School%u2019s %u201cresponsibility%u201d includes the responsibility of instituting full and complete team and crowd control measures at all Contests in which such member School participates, assuring that the participants, staff and boosters of the member School conduct themselves at all times in a proper and sportsmanlike manner, and assuring full compliance by participants, staff and boosters of the member School of all association rules, including those involving eligibility and undue influence.3-7 Member Schools Are Not Agents of IHSAAIn enforcing the rules set forth in the By-Laws of the Association, member Schools are not the agents of the Association, and therefore, the failure of a member School to dutifully discharge its duties as set forth under these rules or to enforce any of the rules of the Association shall not prevent either the Commissioner or the Executive Committee from imposing appropriate sanctions for violations which either the Commissioner or the Executive Committee find to have occurred.CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY3-8 Principal Shall Certify Student EligibilityThe eligibility of all contestants shall be certified by the principal of the School in accordance with the rules hereby adopted. The principal shall keep such lists on file by sports and by Rule 2 - Classifi cation of Schools
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