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35Accreditation of a coach if the conviction is later reversed, vacated, or set aside on appeal.(2) The Coaching Accreditation of a coach who is or was a licensed teacher may be suspended or revoked by the Commissioner if it is reported to the IHSAA by the Department of Education that the coach committed misconduct described in Ind. Code %u00a7%u00a7 20-28-5-7(1), 20-28-5-7(2) and such misconduct led to the teacher%u2019s license revocation or suspension.(3) The Coaching Accreditation of a coach may be suspended or revoked if it is found by the Commissioner that the coach%u2019s conduct is an anathema to the rules, regulations, purposes or goals of the IHSAA.7-2 Coaches%u2019 Required Attendance at rules Interpretation MeetingsFor each sport in which the Association conducts a rules interpretation meeting, the head coach for each gender shall be required to attend either in person or via an on-line meeting. 7-3 Coach May Not Coach at Two Different SchoolsA coach (paid or volunteer) may not coach Two (2) teams at different Schools in the same sport during the same sport season.7-4 Continuing Education for Athletic DirectorEvery athletic director, or activities director with oversight for athletics, must successfully complete an organization and administration class prior to being employed for a second year. Note: This rule does not apply to those individuals hired prior to the 2008-09 school year. a. The organization and administration component requires the successful completion of: (1.) IHSAA New Athletic Administrators%u2019 class offered each July, and (2.) LTC 504 offered by NIAAA at state and national conferences, as well as online at b. Member Schools shall maintain a record of training completed by athletic administrators. This record shall be furnished to the Association on request of the Commissioner or his designee. Failure to complete the required education within the appropriate time frame shall result in a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine for the first year and a hundred dollar ($100.00) fine for each additional year of non-compliance.Q & ACoaches - GenerallyQ. 7-1 Who is regarded as being a coach of an IHSAA Recognized Sport at a member School?A. A member School coach is an individual who coaches students in grades 9-12 in any IHSAA Recognized Sport, and includes all non-teaching coaches and all volunteer coaches. (rule 7-1)Q. 7-2 Who may coach a member School team?A. A coach may be a teacher [this would include someone who is regularly licensed, regularly employed and regularly paid as such by the School out of School funds] or may be a non-teacher. (rule 7-1.3)Q. 7-3 May a university student teacher assist in coaching while assigned to a member School?A. Yes, a university student teacher may assist in coaching at a member School. (rule 7-1.3)Q. 7-4 May an un-paid volunteer or a non-teacher be hired to coach a member School team?A. Yes. An un-paid volunteer or non-teacher may coach at a member School provided the hire is approved by the Principal.Q. 7-5 May an individual, who is a full-time teacher, serve as a non-teaching coach in boys and girls cross country at a neighboring member School?A. Yes, the IHSAA rules do not restrict where a non-teaching coach is employed.Q. 7-6 An individual who has been coaching girls%u2019 basketball in a member School has the coaching contract terminated for the following year and is so informed in writing by the school officials. May this individual now coach a Non-School Team where Three (3) of the coach%u2019s former players are members of the Non-School Team?Rule 7 - Coaches