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                                    33Q. 6-4 A student-athlete participates in a cross country race sponsored by 1) a member School for school teams; 2) a local bank for any interested individual; 3) a running club for club members and unattached individuals. In all Three (3) cases, all of the participants receive a T-shirt. Is this legal?A. Yes, a student-athlete may receive a T-shirt for participation but not as a reward for athletic performance. (rule 6-3)Q. 6-5 Two girls from the same School participate in a non-school golf tournament in the Summer. One girl places first and receives a trophy. The other girl does not place in the competition, but does receive a golf bag and head covers for making a hole-in-one. Is this legal?A. The first girl may accept her first place trophy. The second girl may not accept the golf bag and head covers since these items are considered athletic merchandise. (rule 6-1)Prizes Won in Drawing or RafflesQ. 6-6 Can a student at a member School accept gifts and prizes won through drawings, raffl es, 50-50%u2019s, etc. at a Contest hosted by the School?A. Yes, a student can accept gifts and prizes at a School%u2019s Contest, provided they are not won or awarded because of the student%u2019s participation in an event involving an IHSAA Recognized Sport. (rule 6-1)School Awards, Prizes and GiftsQ. 6-7 Is a member School permitted to give sweaters to athletes?A. Yes, the IHSAA recommends that the giving of prizes, gifts, sweaters, etc., be kept within reasonable bounds at all times and that such have symbolic value only. (rules 6-1, 6-2, 6-3)Q. 6-8 May students be awarded a second sweater in the same sport if they transfer to another high school?A. Yes, if they qualify in the new high School. (rule 6-2)Q. 6-9 May Schools give awards to students for scholarship, sportsmanship and conduct?A. Yes, such may be given if sanctioned and administered by the School principal. (rule 6-1)Awards, Prizes and Gifts from Outside OrganizationsQ. 6-10 What are the regulations regarding prizes and awards made to member School students by organizations outside the School?A. Outside organizations may make awards under the following rules:(a) Donors should be checked carefully regarding attitudes, purposes and types of business.(b) Recipients should be selected by committees on which the principal and School authorities have control.(c) All prizes and awards should be limited in number and confined to those reasonable in price and having symbolic value only. Cash or merchandise prizes or awards are not permitted.(d) Purposes should be critically studied so that commercial interests, proselytizing interests and interests foreign to good school procedure may be eliminated.(e) Principals shall be expected to know and execute the rules, regulations and policies to the best of their ability according to their wording and spirit, since the giving and receiving of awards shall be done by and with the consent and under the supervision of the principal in each member School.(f) No awards should be made by a %u201csecret committee%u201d of any outside organization, without the knowledge and consent of the high school principal as to the recipient. (rule 6-5)Q. 6-11 May a student receive a scholarship from a non-educational organization and still be eligible in the sport for which the scholarship was awarded? A. Yes, as long as the scholarship is not paid until after the student%u2019s athletic eligibility has expired.Rule 6 - Awards, Prizes, Gifts
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