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42 a. their liability insurance may not cover such Contests; b. the IHSAA cannot and will not sanction such games, nor will they be responsible for crowd control or any damages, liabilities or injuries growing out of or in any way connected with such events; c. that any such games shall be included in the maximum number of Contests limitation permitted by the IHSAA; d. points scored, etc. shall not be kept as part of the official records of the IHSAA; and e. there shall be no forfeiture fee if all contracts become null and void.9-16 Withdrawal from Contests Prohibited a. After the execution of an IHSAA Contract for Athletic Contest, the competing Schools must honor the terms of such Contract, must fully participate in the Contest, and except as provided in the Exception below, may not withdraw from the Contest. b. Exception: A School which is a party to an IHSAA Contract for Athletic Contest may withdraw from the Contest if:(1.) the withdrawing School withdraws because of a situation which is beyond the control of the withdrawing School(2.) the withdrawing School withdraws with the consent of all Schools to the IHSAA Contract for Athletic Contest; or(3.) the other School to the Contract for Athletic Contest is found by the IHSAA to have violated rule 20 or has become a direct or indirect beneficiary of a rule 20 violation. c. A School which withdraws from a Contest in violation of this section may jeopardize its standing in the Association.9-16.1 Withdrawal from Contests Because of Officials%u2019 Conduct ProhibitedRemoval of a School athletic team from an athletic Contest due to dissatisfaction with the game officials will jeopardize the standing of the School in the Association.9-17 Teams May Not Include Students Below Ninth GradeMember Schools may not use students below the ninth grade on their athletic teams in interschool Contests.9-18 Use of Audio-Visual Equipment in Contests a. Use of Audio Visual Equipment and Recordings During Contest.The use of audio-visual equipment for coaching purposes during athletic Contests in any sports which are under the jurisdiction of the IHSAA shall be in accordance with the National Federation playing rules for that sport, or in accordance with any other playing rule adopted by the IHSAA for playing that sport. b. Use of Audio-Visual Equipment, Recordings, Films, Telecasts and Video Tape.Using audio-visual equipment, recording, filming, telecasting or videotaping for scouting purposes of any Season Contest by any party other than the Two (2) Schools participating in the contest is prohibited.Q & AContests - GenerallyQ. 9-1 Does the IHSAA have a rule prohibiting the scheduling of Practices and interschool games on holidays?A. No, member School policies dictate scheduling procedures.Senior Students on Sub-Varsity TeamsQ. 9-2 Is there an IHSAA rule prohibiting a senior from being on a junior varsity team?A. No, the selection of a student for a team is a matter for each School to decide.Participation Against Teams of Non-MembersQ. 9-3 Can a member School participate in a Contest in an IHSAA Recognized Sport against a team which contains students below grade 9?A. Yes. While a Contest in which a member School and its students participate is subject to all playing rule, including the Contest Rule which prohibits a member School from having below-ninth grade students on the School%u2019s teams (rule 9-17), that Contest Rule does not apply to non-member Schools. And while the Contest Rule (rule 9-2) makes all Contests subject to the IHSAA rules, such rule reference Rule 9 - Contests