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                                    46A. No, and if a student attends a Practice with a student attending another School during the Contest Season, that attendance is considered a Contest. (rule 9-14).Q. 9-31 May a School that is on strike host an interschool athletic Contest?A. Yes, while the athletic Contests must be conducted under the IHSAA rules, the authority to schedule an athletic Contest, or an athletic practice, rests with the member School. (rules 9-1, 9-2)Mixed School TeamsQ. 9-32 May Two (2) or more member Schools combine to form One (1) athletic team?A. No, this is not permitted, unless the Schools legally consolidate and becomes a single School. (rule 12-4)PracticeQ. 9-33 If a student gets injured after the initial Five (5) days of pre-season Practice, and then misses Six (6) consecutive days of Practice, how many days of Practice must a student participate in before the student is eligible to participate in a Contest?A. When a student misses Five (5) to Ten (10) consecutive days of Practice, the student must participate in Four (4) days of practice to be eligible for participation in a Contest, however in this instance, where the student failed to complete the original pre-season Practice requirement of Ten (10) separate days, the student has to participate in an addition day of Practice, for a total of Five (5) days of Practice, to also satisfy the pre-season Practice requirement. (rule 9-14)Q. 9-34 Do Practices attended by a student at a Sending School count with respect to the student satisfying the Practice requirements for sports participation at the Receiving School?A. Yes, Practices a student attended at a Sending School will satisfy the practice requirements at the Receiving School, provided the Sending School principal maintains records of those Practices the student attended at the Sending School and can provide such records, on request, by the Receiving School or the IHSAA.Withdraw from ContestsQ. 9-35 Can School A withdraw from a basketball Season Contest without penalty after School B, the opponent, was found to have violated the Undue Influence Rule, rule 20, with respect to a football player?A. No. Rule 9-16(b)(3) permits a School to withdraw from a Season Contest without penalty when the opposing School is found to have violated the Undue Influence Rule, rule 20, but applies only to Season Contests in the sport of the involved student. Here, School A can only withdraw without penalty from a football Season Contest, not a basketball Contest. Q. 9-36 On December 10, 2019, School A was found to have violated the Undue Influence Rule, rule 20, with respect to a basketball player. Can School B withdraw without penalty from a basketball Season Contest with School A which was scheduled to be played on January 15, 2021?A. No. The right to withdraw from a Contest without a penalty provided by Rule 9-16(b)(3) is good for a period of One (1) year (Three Hundred Sixty-Five (365) days) following the date a School is found to have violated the Undue Influence Rule, rule 20, and therefore the last date that School B can withdraw without penalty from a basketball Season Contest with School A is December 10, 2020.RULE 10 %u2013 INTERSTATE CONTESTS AND PRACTICES REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION10-1 Out-of-State Contest LimitationsThe address of out-of-state schools participating in a Contest against a member School as well as the site of such Contests must be within Six-hundred (600) miles round trip travel from the Indiana state line and shall be sponsored or co-sponsored by a member high School.Rule 9 - Contests
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