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68of-Season in which a School%u2019s gymnasium, playing field or other school facility is open to all students who attend the School, or who are from a Feeder School of that School, and the Member School Coaching Staff may offer athletic instruction and work with student athletes. (rule 15-2.5, see, Definitions, Limited Contact Program.)Q. 15-39 Can a School conduct activities under a Limited Contact Program which are located %u201coff-campus%u201d, or at a location which is not owned by or officially controlled by the School?A. No, all Limited Contact Programs must be conducted on campus or at a site where home Contests are regularly held. For example, a School cannot conduct a Limited Contact Program session at the local batting cage for its students wishing to work on their baseball skills, but could hold a Limited Contact Program session at a municipal field if that is where the School regularly holds its home games. (rule 15-2.5)Q. 15-40 Is a student from One (1) School permitted to participate in a Limited Contact Program at another School. For example, is it okay for a softball player from One (1) School to go to another School%u2019s Limited Contact Program and Practice softball? A. No, under IHSAA rules, the only students who may participate in a sponsoring School%u2019s Limited Contact Program are the students who (i) attend the sponsoring School, or (ii) are students from a Feeder School of the sponsoring School. (rule 15-2.5, see, Definitions, Limited Contact Program)Q. 15-41 May a student who has remaining eligibility participate in a Limited Contact Program sponsored by a member School on Sunday?A. No, students may not participate in a Limited Contact Program on Sunday. (rule 9-13)Q. 15-42 May a coach play with or against the coach%u2019s student athlete in a Limited Contact Program?A. Yes. (rule 15-2.5)Q. 15-43 May a Team Sports coach work with multiple individuals in the coach%u2019s sport During School Year Out-of-Season?A. Yes, but only in a Limited Contact session. (rule 15-2.5)Q. 15-44 May a Team Sports coach outline and distribute to players a written recommended individual workout schedule for the athletes to use during the off-season?A. Yes.Q.15-45 Can there be more than two (2) Limited Contact sessions on one day?A Yes. There can be a Limited Contact session on a maximum of two (2) days per week and the total amount of time of all Limited Contact sessions on any one (1) day may not exceed two (2) hours, the Limited Contact during a day can be accomplished in one two (2) hour session, or in any number of sessions, provided collectively they do not exceed two (2) hours.Q. 15-46 Under section 15-2.5(c), may a student who plans to participate in a Team Sport during the up-coming fall season, continue to participate in the current spring Limited Contract Program past Monday of Week 45, since such up-coming fall season is the next season after the current spring Limited Contract Program period?A. No. The section 15-2.5(c) Limited Contact continuation exception applies only when the Limited Contact Program %u2018immediately precedes%u201d the Team Sport%u2019s season, and here, Summer immediately precedes the student%u2019s Team Sport%u2019s season. The Limited Contact continuation exception applies only for Team Sports played in the winter and spring seasons. Camps and ClinicsQ. 15-47 How much time may a coaches have to prepare their players for a Clinic in which they are presenting during the School Year Out-of-Season?A. The coach may have a total of 1 1/2 hours to prepare their players for the Clinic. This may be accomplished in either One (1) or Two (2) sessions. (rule 15-2.3(k))Q. 15-48 Are written requests and approvals required for students participating for demonstration purposes in any sport Clinics, etc.?A. No, a record of students used as demonstrators must be kept by the School. (rule 15-2.3(k))Q. 15-49 What constitutes an underprivileged student with regard to Camp and Clinic fees?A. An underprivileged student is one who participates in a free and reduced lunch program. Rule 15 - Participation