Page 150 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 150

Rule 111 - Volleyball

            (1.)  either participating schools does not have enough students to play the full three (3)
               sets in the contest because the students are expected to play in the up-coming JV
            (2.)  both schools agree to the shortened contest before the contest begins.
         A Controlled Scrimmage may be permitted between Two (2) IHSAA member Schools. A player
         must have participated in 5 days of organized Practice preceding the date of the scrimmage
         under the direct supervision of the high school coaching staff  in that sport in order to be eligible
         for a scrimmage.  The scrimmage may not be held after the second calendar day prior to the
         fi rst scheduled Contest.
         A School may schedule one volleyball Controlled Scrimmage with another IHSAA member
         School. The volleyball Controlled Scrimmage may not be held after the second calendar day
         prior to the fi rst scheduled Contest. A volleyball Controlled Scrimmage may not be scouted
         by anyone not affi liated with a team participating in the volleyball Controlled Scrimmage.

         Q & A
         Volleyball - Generally
         Q. 111-1   What constitutes a Varsity volleyball match?
         A.         A Contest between Two (2) teams in which the fi rst team winning Three (3)
                    sets is declared the winner.
         Q. 111-2   When must attendance at Summer volleyball camps end for volleyball players?
         A.         Attendance must be terminated prior to Monday, Week 4. (rule 15-3.2(h))
         Maximum Contests
         Q. 111-3   May a team or student play more than one match during the same day or
         A.         Yes, but players and teams are limited to Nine (9) matches per calendar week
                    and/or Four (4) matches in any One (1) day. (rule 111-3)
         Q. 111-4    May players participate in more than Six (6) sets against the same school in
                    any one day?
         A.         No. (rule 111-4)
         Q. 111-5   When a player participates in more than Six (6) sets against the same School,
                    what action is required?
         A.         When there is a violation of the maximum daily match limitation, the principal
                    should forfeit the match(es) in which the violation occurred, should assess
                    student in violation with Two (2) matches played and should send a written
                    report to the Commissioner. (rule 3-9.5)
         Q. 111-6   May  players  participate  at  more  than  one  level of  team  play  in  a  given
         A.         No. (rule 111-4)
         Q. 111-7    Does a School’s Varsity schedule, which includes Twenty (20) dual matches,
                    a Three (3) match Tournament in August, a Four (4) match Tournament in
                    September, and a Four (4) match Tournament in October, satisfy the match
                    limitations in rule 111-3?
         A.         Yes, with Three (3) Tournaments scheduled, it is necessary to add the number
                    of matches played in the third Tournament to the dual match count, and here the
                    Tournament matches which are counted are those from the August Tournament
                    (Three (3) matches).  Adding those Three (3) matches to the Twenty (20) dual
                    matches made the total match count Twenty Three (23) dual matches and Two
                    (2) tournaments, the maximum permitted by the rule. (rule 101, 111-3(b)).
         Non-School Participation
         Q. 111-8   May volleyball players participate on Non-School Teams during the School
                    Year Out-of-Season?
         A.         Yes, however, no more than Three (3) players who have  participated in a
                    Contest as a member of their School’s team may be on the same team at the
                    same time. (rule 15-2.2(a))
         Q. 111-9    Can coaches from  a Member School Coaching Staff   coach a non-School
                    volleyball team during the School Year Out-of-Season?
         A.         Yes, provided there are no players on the non-School volleyball team who
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