Page 152 - 2021-22 By-Laws
P. 152

Rule 200 - Unified Sports® Rules

                            Part V: Unified Sports Rules
         Special Olympics Unified Sports combines approximately equal numbers of Special Olympics
         athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) and partners (individuals without intellectual
         disabilities) as teammates on sport teams for training and competition.

         Champions Together is a joint effort between the IHSAA and Special Olympics Indiana (SOIN)
         which includes the goal of incorporating Unified Sports© programs in IHSAA member Schools
         recognizing and offering opportunities for students with and without disabilities to compete in
         an IHSAA sanctioned activity.

         The focus of IHSAA Unified Sports is competition (not simply participation). Sports teach many
         life lessons: to work as a team, to follow rules and to be committed. Through sports we can
         find shared interests that allow friendships to form. Through the IHSAA recognized Unified
         Sports© we have an opportunity to make real positive changes in the lives of students with
         and without disabilities.

         We must have high expectations for students with intellectual disabilities because if we do not,
         we are teaching another generation of regular education students that people with intellectual
         disabilities can’t follow rules or be held accountable and as a result they will not be viable
         members of their community or society in general.
            • Unified Sports© programs shall be administered by each participating member School and
             follow the requirements per IHSAA Bylaws for eligibility, rules and program administration.
            • Unified Sports© tournaments shall be administered by the IHSAA staff and the rules of
             the National Federation will govern the sport when applicable.
         200-1.0 Vision of Unified Sports
         The vision of the IHSAA/Special Olympics Indiana (SOIN) Unified Sports project is to allow
         high school students with and without intellectual disabilities the opportunity to represent their
         high school in an IHSAA sanctioned activity by participating on a Unified Sports team providing
         the students with a quality experience of sports training and competition.
         200-1.1 Definition of Participants:
          a.  Unified Student Athlete: A Unified Student Athlete is a student who is receiving special
            education and related services pursuant to an individual education program based on a
            cognitive, developmental and/or intellectual delay or disability.
          b.  Unified Student Partner: A Unified Student Partner is a student that meets the eligibility
            criteria outlined in General Eligibility rules 1-20, but is NOT identified by the school as a
            Unified Student Athlete.
         200-1.2 Restriction of Participation – Unified Student Partner.
         A  student  athlete who  participates in  a varsity or sub-varsity  competition or scrimmage,
         in  a  non-Unified  Sports© sport,  is  prohibited  from  competing  as a Unified  Partner  in  a
         Unified Sports© Tournament Series in that same sport for the remainder of the School Year.
         Appropriate participation for such a Student Athlete Partner may take place as an assistant
         coach or manager.  Schools with limited enrollment or special circumstances may apply to
         the Commissioner for a waiver of this rule.
         200-1.3 Participation by Gender.
         Unified Sports teams shall be organized as co-educational teams.
         200-2.0 Participant Age Requirement.
          a.  Unified Student Athlete: A Unified Student Athlete may participate in Unified Sports as long
            as the Unified Student Athlete is Enrolled in the School.
          b.  Unified Student Partner: A Unified Student Partner must comply with General Eligibility
            rule 4.

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